Saturday, December 29, 2012

What Makes You Beautiful

Many years ago, I was a die-hard Backstreet Boys fan (just like many teenage girls were in my time).  Now, another boy band comes up with a song that I became obsessed with. 

One Direction- What Makes You Beautiful

Funny, such a song takes a girl's breath away because it reaches the core to tell me that someone does think I am beautiful.  I think that's why I get fed so easily to this song, especially as a single girl.  I have lots of friends around me to encourage me of who I am, but no one to truly look into my eyes and say "You are beautiful." 

I find myself easily falling into a lifestyle where I fill myself with songs like these.  My big reality hit was when I saw Les Miserables in theatres a little while ago and remembered the connection I made between myself and the character of Eponine. 

Her song "On My Own" had been my song for years and years, with continuous crushes I'd have and every time I would watch them love another girl the way I wanted to be loved.  My imagination ran wild with fantasies just like a little teenage girl would have in her loneliness. 

The last few years of my life had been amazing, and God had been wonderful to keep my heart guarded, but I didn't realize how much guarding I needed until I watched this movie again.  When I picture pornography, I instantly think of men satisfying their lusts of the flesh in ways not acceptable.  I realize that this is my "pornography."  Daydreaming of things not yet happening in my love life.  Listening to music that feeds this lust.  I am easy to do this, and it goes down a road of depression and self-pity of how unattractive I must be if no man is gazing upon me like other girls.  It's my biggest struggle, but also my biggest blessing.  I easily forget the blessing behind where I am now. 

Eponine's character still builds connection, but God is great to remind me of the Cosette that I am to him.  That he waits by the gate of my heart to gaze upon my face and tell me how beautiful I am. 

He's waiting by yours as well.  He has sought you out and wants to gaze upon the face that takes his breath away.  All you need to do is come out and let him sing love songs to you.  You don't have to be the girl on the side-lines anymore, waiting for it to be your turn.  It is your turn! 

Jesus has me all to himself right now, and he tells me everyday how beautiful I am.

From the falling snow that captivates me enough to lock myself out of my apartment to twilight that twinkles enough to tease me before the stars appear...

From the hug of a dear friend to the sound of birds coming at the first of spring...

From the pains he holds me through to the joys and surprises of life that he loves to reveal to me... 

Even right now, there is a whisper of him reminding me of his love when I look out and see the purity of white snow sitting beneath a soft blue sky.  Winter never looked so pretty until I heard those whispers.  And to think, I'd been so concerned of my self-pity that I couldn't hear him draw me close into the beauty that no one could show me but him. 

It's easy to draw away, but patiently he sits by the gate of my heart so he can tell me what makes me beautiful... 

Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.

I love you all. 

Friday, December 14, 2012

25 Years-Birthday Reflection

To everyone that has already done so, thank you for the birthday wishes!  I really appreciate it, and would like to take a few moments in this post to reflect on my 24th year and the blessings I've had...

Over this last year, I look back and see so many tragic moments in my heart where I've struggled and fought with God over what in the world He wants me to do.  So many nights where I've been brought to tears because of uncertainty of direction and unanswered prayers...or so I thought...

God has blessed me beyond belief, and I am taken back at how He has answered the little prayers as well as the big ones.

I've prayed for boldness, and have seen God give me strength to stand out in public with my views and faith.  More than normal.

I've prayed for a revelation in my desires, and God opened a door to go back to school.

He has closed doors that I've wanted and shown me there are greater doors and blessings waiting for me.

I've prayed for many little things that God has answered by giving me less to admire the daily needs much more.  

That last one really amazes me.  I have had more peace this last month in not having as much for me...and seeing how God has given me exactly what I need every day.

I want to share an embarrassing but amazing revelation that happened recently to me...
Last Sunday it snowed.  It was so amazing and pretty, I was taken back by it.  So much, that I left my purse in my apartment and left everything in it.  I was stuck outside with no car keys, no apartment key, and no phone.  I will admit, I was a little stressed, but not to the point of tears (which has been my normal).  I found myself calmly finding a way to fix this, or at least get to the church and go from there.

My day had gone instantly from having it all planned out and taken care of, to living moment by moment.  I would think "Okay God, I'm hear right now, but I don't know how I'm going to get to the next thing after this...I'll just have to worry about it when it's time to.  I can't do anything about it now."

It was amazing.  As crazy as it was, it was so great to sit back and say "God, I don't know when and how I'll get in my home, but you do and I will be okay."  When I did get back in, I started to cry and thank God for the blessings I have in my friends and activities.

My heart has been humbled and broken down little by little to see my need for God over the stuff in my life.  It makes me wonder what God has in store for me this next year and the years to come...if He is preparing me to be satisfied with less and less, I do worry (at times it worries me) about where He is taking me, but I know my heart will continue to change for the purpose God has for me.

You are all a blessing to me, and I thank you so much for making this last year so amazing.  We serve such a great God who holds us in the palm of His hand, who knows us so personally, and who establishes our steps before us.

May you feel the peace that God has shown me, and find the contentment in where you are as God has reminded me very often (because I need to be frequently reminded).

I love you all.  God bless, and thanks again for a wonderful year! 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Preparing for Christmas

So, it has been over a month since my last post.  I feel pretty frustrated with that, but have been so preoccupied with other things in life that this was one of the last things I was thinking about...but it doesn't mean I didn't have anything to post about.

This month has been financially challenging, and my weakness falls a lot on budgeting and overcoming my selfish desires of the flesh with things that don't matter, and I neglect the financial planning on the things that do.  Normally, my response is "Well this is my dumb fault" (and it still is). 
However...there is a treasure I have found in not having my income all planned out this month.  A couple in fact.  Because I don't have the extra money I need this month, I have been "forced" to think creatively for Christmas presents this year.  I am making 95% of my Christmas presents this year for everyone. 

I pondered the difference between buying a gift for someone and making a gift for someone...our world today is so obsessed with buying the next best thing and packing our carts full with electronics and houseware.  Here is the typical individual's prep for Christmas shopping...

1) Take individual's Christmas list
2) Go to store to buy items
3) Take home to wrap
4) Hide or put under tree

Easy, quick, and sometimes (not always) effortless.  Here is what I've seen with most of my Christmas prep this year:

1) Ponder individual's character and passions
2) Go to store to buy supplies
3) Spend 2-4 hours (total) assembling and creating gift
4) Pray over the gift and individual
5) Wrap gift
6) Store it before giving it away

I noticed a difference.  In making my gifts, I have put more thought, time, and energy into that person than I would by walking in the stores to find what they were trying to tell me in their lists.  The time is more peaceful, less chaotic, and very rewarding when the gift is done.  I feel more of my heart is put into the gifts that are made than bought.  Yet somehow, we can be really quick to disregard those homemade gifts because we find no real use for those in our materialistic way of thinking. 

A while back, one of my grandmas had taken a white pillow case and embroydered along the edge "Katie Beth with the brown eyes"  (she always called me Katie Beth Bell)

At the time, I didn't think much of it.  Now I tear up when I think of this.  I wish I had that pillowcase still.  My grandma's hands weren't in the best condition back then, and the lettering wasn't exactly the straightest on this pillowcase, but the effort it took for her to put that stitching into that case, the time it took for her to do it...all that time she was thinking about my little brown eyes.  She was thinking and praying for me as she made that simple gift.  There was more love in that gift that year than there was in that new electronic toy I may have gotten. 

You can't put a price on that. 

This Christmas season has been a huge blessing to me, yet I fear that people that will receive my gifts will have the same reaction I did for my grandma.  I worry it won't be good enough...but as I pray over the gift, I pray that God will find a use for this in their lives.  That they may use it or look at it and remember His love for them and to grow more in love with Jesus.  

So, if you get a gift from me, I pray it is a blessing to you, because you have been a blessing to me.

To you all, I pray that you will not get caught up in the hussle and bussle of the stuff, but remember the true act of love that was shown to us...the sacrifice that was made by Jesus Christ, to leave perfection and live in imperfection.  To leave complete control to be completely helpless.  To leave the Creator to be among the created.  We are so quick to want to leave this place to be in perfection, and Jesus was willing to leave perfection to be with us.

This is the greatest sacrifice of all, and we tend to think past it because of the stuff that we get and the deadline to get it.  Don't forget this love my friends...your hearts will change, and this season will be all the more joyeous to you and your families.  

God bless, and again...I love you all. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Losing Freedoms

This post right now is not to tell you where our world is going, and it certainly isn't to put a label on our current leadership.  Some of you may assume that is what I'm clearly isn't, and I personally had been running this in my head way before elections were going on.

Having said that and put that aside, I ask that you just think of this hypothetically with me and find a treasure hidden in the scenario.  Please follow me, because my fingers are about to go frantic...

When we ask for the Church to wake up, how do you picture God needing to do it?  Do you imagine God doing it one heart at a time?  Do you expect God to bring a revival?  What goes through your head?  How do you see God answering this prayer throughout history? 

Before I go deeper, let me make a few things clear:

We are beautiful and His Beloved...but we are His created as well.  We have worth, but only because of Him do we find our worth.  Apart from Him, we have nothing.  Apart from Him, we can't do anything.  Apart from Him, we are dead.

Having said this, God can do as He pleases because of His position and authority ().  We don't deserve an explanation in all our circumstances other than to trust Him.  We can cry, we can pitch a fit, we can run before Him and tremble because we are so scared of what He is doing because we can't comprehend it...but we trust and have a faith that says "I don't understand you, but I know you use all things for good for those that love you, and you make all things I put my trust in you and know that nothing is beyond you."

This is okay...David does this numerous times in the Psalms. He jumps around in his Psalms to show us that it is okay to feel the way that we do.  In troubled times, we can be upset and scared and fear for our lives...but David knew behind all of the mess that God was bigger and God was going to fulfill His promises.  David knew that God loved him despite what he saw. 

God disciplines those He loves. 

How did God get the attention of His people when they were "on the wrong path" "led astray" "did evil in the sight of the Lord"? He most likely put them into captivity.  He allowed others to come and take them over.  It appeared to the Israelites that God lost favor and that He didn't love them anyway.  When tough times come, it looks like God doesn't love us anymore...but that just isn't the case. 

Hebrews 12:6 says "because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son."

How do you get back on track?  After someone has probably approached you and told you your wrong...and made you think differently than you did before.  Many times, this isn't easy for us to do.  God is no different.  He approached us to correct us, but if we don't listen God will make it clear for us to hear...

Now for my bold thought...

Imagine if you will our Church today.  We have such freedom in our religion and worship...such a blessing it is truly for us to worship without fear of persecution or death...but because of that so many people profess to be Christian without understanding a risk of following Jesus. 

Paul faced many dangerous threats for Christ but continued to preach the Gospel no matter what came his way.  He didn't fear fact he found it to be gain.  ()  His faith was stronger because of this persecution.  Paul had many needs, and saw Christ overcome.

If there was no sin or troubles, there would be nothing for Christ to overcome. 

The Church grew and united with Paul because of this.  The Church had to be unified, because if it didn't Christianity would die.  Christians needed to help the poor.  They needed to look after each other.  That need isn't as big today...and what do we see now? 

People professing to be Christians because it's easy.  There is not risk, and half the time they don't feel obligated to do anything outside of Sunday worship.  I'll bet that a great majority of our Christians today would run and hide and deny their faith if their lives were on the line.  They wouldn't truly have the faith they profess to have.  They simply would hold the "faith" because it's an easy ticket out of hell. 

I have found friends of mine praying for our Church to wake up.  For our people to rise and become bright lights in our dark world.  How has God done this before?  Look at other countries where Christianity is not popular or even accepted.  True lovers of Jesus will find any way they can to gather together and worship...and only the ones that really love Jesus will sacrifice everything to have that time with other believers...even their lives.  They see Christ on a much more spectacular level because of it.  They are more awake.  We have many Christians today that don't really love Jesus because it is such a freedom.  If we lost that freedom, those that really loved Jesus would shine all the more and I feel that our community as the Church would be all the more powerful.  Our need for each other would be so much greater than it is now, and I believe God would cause us as the Church to be unified in a stronger bond through that.  

Would it truly be a bad thing if we lost our freedom as Christians, or is this the wake up call we need as the Church to truly shine?  I could foresee God having to do this...(I am not saying He will).  It's bold, and I am certainly not hoping we as Americans ever lose that freedom...but my friends, I have prayed for God to show me more of the world through His use this would be a terrible tragedy...but to God He would know that's what the Church needed, and He knows that's what would answer our prayers. 

God doesn't answer our prayers the way we expect to, and many times we don't like His answer at all!  But God knows what is going to shake us if we want to be shaken.  He knows, and we need to trust Him no matter what His answer is. 

I love you all.  Keep the faith, and let God show you more of His perspective today. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Purging Solution

In my previous post, I had posed the question on how we can purge the evil from our nation.

Tuesday morning, I was challenged and corrected.  Even though we are citizens of America, we are still ambassadors of Christ.  Our focus isn't on purging the evil of our nation, but purging the evil of our Church.

I will admit, that this was very hard for me to hear...and my heart still isn't fully set on this.  My friends, I know the following sounds harsh...but God is just and loving, and everything he does it for our good. Our definition of "Just" and "Fair" is far from His, and we need to trust that because God knows everything, He knows how the hurt and pain now can change us and others later for the better...God needs to break us before He can really fix us, and we need to trust God with this. 

As I read through Deuteronomy, I saw so many harsh things He commanded the Israelites to do, which made me question my role in purging evil in the first place...but as my study went on and my friends told me more with New Testament references, I found myself at a hard place...

I have friends that are caught in sin, and they know what am I commanded to do?  I love them dearly, and I know they still love Jesus...but they refuse to turn from this sin in their life.  I want to love them.  I want to encourage them.  I want to stay their friend.  Maybe I can...but what am I seeing here?  

Deuteronomy 22:13-21 explains about a marriage situation in which the woman was accused of not being a when there is no proof of her is what is required of the people back at this time:

If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done an outrageous thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house. You must purge the evil from among you. (Deuteronomy 22:20-21)  

If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives. (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

If a man commits adultery with another man's wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death.
(Leviticus 20:10 NLT)  

If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or your intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. (Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB)

This was harsh!!  God did not show any slack with Israel...He knew that if people were "lax" on these sins, that it would get out of control and spread quickly throughout the nation.  God had to nip it in the butt. 

Even when Jesus came down to earth, he did an amazing job of bringing reality to our nature. 

Matthew 5, one of many passages, is Jesus talking about how impossible it is for us to be without sin in our lives.  He takes the Law, and says "Oh, you were able to do this?  What about this??"   Of course, we crawl into our holes more and realize...

We cannot live the righteous life by our own power, nor do we have the ability to purge the evil within ourselves.

So friends, what's our solution?  How do we purge?  How can we purge?  If we have so much crap in our own lives and cannot get rid of it on our own, what can we do?

We rededicate our lives and tell Jesus "I promise, next time, I will do this better."  And according to Jesus here in Matthew 5, it is impossible for us to do it.  We need to be purified...and it had to be done like this:

Physical punishment cleanses away evil; such discipline purifies the heart. (Proverbs 20:3)

Feeling discouraged?  There is good news...such good news...

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.  (Isaiah 53:5)

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.  (1 Peter 2:24)
Through Jesus Christ, the ultimate sacrifice, we are CLEAN.  We are healed, purified, purged!!  Our hearts undergo a further purging process that Jesus does inside of us daily!  Amen!! 

But now, to paraphrase a lesson given by Louis Giglio, "We should not just sit back in our Grace EZ Chair."  Through Jesus, God fulfilled that physical punishment to cleanse away evil, but we have a choice still.  We can choose to throw off everything that hinders, or we can continue to live in our sins because we don't want to give up our pleasures...or we feel we cannot overcome those sins, so we give in. 

Here's the cannot overcome.  Jesus made this very clear in Matthew 5.  You cannot over come, but in John 16:33 we are told that Jesus has overcome!!  And in Colosians 1:27, Jesus lives IN the power of Christ in us nothing can hold us back!  On our own we are slaves to sin...but because of Jesus IN us we are slaves to righteousness. 

This is good news...but the hard part comes next...

Let me point out another phrase in I Peter 2:24.

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.

It is only by Christ we can possibly have the opportunity to die to our sins, but we need to want to die to our sins....not live in them.  We need to truly give it to Jesus to overcome the sins, because we can't...and too many people in our Church give in or refuse to give it up.

Sometimes your good believing friends.

If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector."   (Matthew 18:15-17)

Jesus still makes it harsh...but not because we don't love them.  In fact, I do believe in tough love as a solution, because anything other than tough love enables the person in their wrong more, and if you don't rip the bandaid off and it will always be there.  

"Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses."  (Proverbs 27:6)

Also, the deeper reason isn't because Jesus didn't want us to have friends...but he was more concerned about purging the heart from our earthly desires and creating heavenly desires so that they may see greater joy.

“Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."  (Matthew 18:18) 
My heart hates to bring pain to people...especially close friends...I love you all so dearly, and I really hope and pray that my brothers and sisters who refuse to give up their sins or try to overcome it themselves will see the Grace and Power in the Name of Jesus and allow Him to overcome it instead.  I don't want to give up friends...but if I have to in order to let God purge that sin from their lives, I understand that it will create a greater opportunity for them to see God more clearly, and love Him more. 

Pray for me friends, and our Church.  We need to purge again...even if it hurts us now.  The reward is greater that is to come. 

I love you all. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Comparing and Purging

I thrive on comparisons.  In fact, I compare way too much.  I compare myself to others very easily…I “enjoy” comparing myself to those that aren’t as skilled as me, but I hate it when I feel inadequate to others.  It hurts my self-esteem, and often times keeps me from doing things that God would find honoring.   But also, many times I try harder because I can show them!   

I found in Ecclesiastes 4:4 how wrong this thinking truly is for me: 

“And I saw that all labor and all achievement spring from man’s envy of his neighbor.  This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”  

One of my books now that I’m reading through is called When People are Big and God is Small.  Too many times I’m so worried about what man thinks of me instead of what God thinks of me.  Too many times, we as a whole, find ourselves absorbed in the opinions of this world and trying to impress our neighbors, or trying to out-do them.  Our focus is on man, fearing their opinion more than God’s. 
It is comforting to me to know that this isn’t something that’s new to God.  In fact, He was totally used to this with the Israelites.  As I read through Deuteronomy, I am so encouraged through the Israelites’ lack of obedience and faith…not necessarily because I can compare to that (I will admit…I do feel better sometimes…) but rather because I see that God is still patient and compassionate.   

The Israelites refused to go into the land of Canaan because they feared the people  more than God’s comforting words of victory and blessing.  So, as a punishment, God kept them wandering in the wilderness for 40 years until a whole new generation of people (aside from a couple originals) were left. 
This brings another twist to my post…one that I ponder more and more.  I understand that God hates sin, and I understand that God wants to really eliminate the sin that separates Heaven and Earth…but many times I don’t always understand how God works with sin.  My eyes are opened more and more to this concept…and I hope that what I say next not only makes sense, but is accurate and doctrinally correct. 
The idea of God as a purifier brings great comfort to me, knowing He holds me in a fire to purge the evil from my life.  However, what does this always look like in life?  Could it simply be a trial that we go through individually?  How does God really purge the evil from our lives?  I was thinking of this too micro…too personally.  True, I am going through individual growth and refining, but what about us as a whole?  In Deuteronomy 13, and 17:7-13, we see God commanding the nation of Israel to destroy towns and stone people that have strayed from the Law.  He commanded the people to intervene on His behalf.  Now I know God is fully capable of blotting out corrupt people on His own (Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Flood), so why would He command Israel to intervene?  

Would God call us today to intervene in the purifying of our nation?  

Now mind you, this is all pre-Christ…but I do believe God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  Just because the Law is different, doesn’t mean God is.  Doesn’t mean God’s meaning behind His calling is different.  What was the purpose of the Law?  For Israel, it was to remind them of their salvation from captivity in Egypt.  What is the purpose of the Law post-cross?  To remind us of the salvation we have in Jesus.  That purpose still stands for us today…just in a different way.   

So, what was the purpose of God purging the nation through stoning and destruction?  To keep His people pure and blameless, seeking Him above all things (to us, this seems drastic, but in God’s eyes, this was the way to eliminate sin).  There must be a deeper meaning in God commanding the Israelites to do it…it appears to be an accountability, but also they witness and experience the punishment in a way to keep them from falling into it as well…I’ll keep pondering.  

But without getting into politics and our nation in too depth…how would purging the sin in our world today happen?  How would God use us and command us to purge evil?  This actually is my prayer, because I don’t have the answer.  I will say right now, that I am not going to lead a group to stone sinners and destroy towns.  (I might as well start with destroying myself at that rate).   

However, I will fall on Romans 13:8 for an answer:  “Owe nothing to anyone- except for your obligation to love one another.  If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill the requirements of God’s law.”  Times today aren’t any different…we are still wicked, seeking and creating other gods instead of the One True God, and forgetting the good things God has done for us.  But because times aren’t different, we are still being called in some way to intervene…I just don’t know how.  

Thankfully, we have the hope that Jesus is coming back to make all things right.  He will purge the sin completely from this world eventually, but I do believe that we are being used to begin this.  

Philippians 1:4-6 “In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

In the mean time, seek the LORD above all things.  We may not agree in our world of how God works, but unless we set aside everything of this world and focus on things above, we won’t understand God’s way of justice, and if we don’t begin to understand it how can we delight and anticipate its coming? 
 Proverbs 28:5 “Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the LORD understand it fully.” 

Seek justice and trust God’s methods of implementing it.  I love you all. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Deuteronomy 10:12-13

And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul,  and to observe the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good?

This morning, I was reading with a couple women through the book of Deuteronomy because my knowledge of the Law is so...not present in my being.  I find that this is a great way to start my Tuesdays, and it is a huge blessing to be part of a community where I can meet with fellow sisters and absorb God's blessing in His Words.

In the passage we read today, a couple times I noticed that the above passage was presented.  It seems plain and simple, right?  This is what God requires of us daily.  Yes, back in the day with the Israelites, they were presented with this commandment, but this is still God's character, this is still all that God wants of us...and I believe that pre and post cross, this is still what God wants of us.  He wants our hearts.  He wants our obedience.

I Peter 2:16

Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves.

We are free from sin, but slaves to God through Christ.  As slaves, we are still called to obedience, and slaves back in the day devoted themselves to their masters.  They were taken care of and protected, but they swore to serve.

That's what we are called to do.   That's what God wanted of the Israelites, and that's what we are called to do.  What kind of master do we serve? 

Deuteronomy 10:18-23

He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing.  And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt.  Fear the Lord your God and serve him. Hold fast to him and take your oaths in his name. He is the one you praise; he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes. Your ancestors who went down into Egypt were seventy in all, and now the Lord your God has made you as numerous as the stars in the sky.  

How encouraging???  He defends the weak, the hurting, He loves the foreigners, and we are the foreigners.  Thank goodness.  He provides for us.  He really cares about us as His slaves, His children, His beloved.  

Still, we find ourselves running to other masters...and they don't meet our needs near as much as the Holy God of Israel.  Something I am thinking and praying about is to "brand" myself as a slave of Christ.  I had been debating for a long time about getting a tattoo....I keep telling myself to hold off and if the desire is still there with right motives then I "may" get one.  I would use this tattoo to spark conversation.  To get something with meaning, but obscure enough for people to ask about it and have an opportunity to present the Gospel.  We will see if this door stays open for me...

How are you serving your Master today?  Be thankful that we follow someone that cares and obey Him today.  

I love you all.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


All glory, honor, and power to our Heavenly Father.  Thank you Jesus for opening my eyes to see the depth of all these truths come together so I can share with my fellow brothers and sisters, in the hopes of encouraging their faith through your work in my life. 

A few weeks ago, I had a dear friend of mine pass away.  She was very musical...a beautiful piano player.  She left behind a legacy to those around her that was highlighted numerous times during her funeral service...Love.  She wrote a short song called "Love-Light." 

This song was a prayer...a prayer for God's light to shine through us day by day.  My friend called this light from Jesus "Love Light"  because through Him loving us, we can love others with a love that only He can provide for us...a love that will shoot out in all darkness.  Within the past few weeks at my work, I have seen how after this lady's passing away, God has morphed my life into a deeper boldness to share the light that dwells inside of me.  Everyone remembered her for her Love-Light.  She adopted so many spiritual brothers, sisters, children, and grandchildren into her life because of this. 

When I was a senior in high school, and was preparing my senior pictures in a slide show format, I picked a song called "Legacy" to play with my pictures.  

I want to leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough
To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace who
blessed your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy 

My friend left this legacy, and I am encouraged all the more to live for my funeral today.  Now...let me show you what God says about this kind of love...

1 Corinthians 13:4-8
 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

Psalm 63:3 
Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.  

My friend was pretty much a superhero.  She had this love radiating throughout her into everyone!  We all have struggles, strongholds that tie us down.  Sometimes we don't even realize it's a stronghold that has kept us from allowing our true "power" to burst from us. 

The best way I can describe this is through a visual given to me...prepare your imaginations:
You are standing on a porch...staring at a door, probably of your own choosing mind you.  This single door, has been the main focus of all your prayers, your thoughts, actions...sure once in a while you'll stand aside and glance toward another door briefly...but you're stubborn in waiting for this door to open.  Pretty soon, you're kicked off the porch.  Now, since you are kicked off that porch, you see so many other doors that need that focus and attention...and these doors are open for you.  You see how the Love-Light in your soul has touched individuals in those open doors.  It shines more, and more doors open....doors you don't even realize were there (because you weren't looking). That Light peeks into more than one area, because your focus has branched out beyond a single door that won't open.  You don't try to focus it in one place, but allow God's love to radiate into more lives by taking action in doing so.  A light won't shine in a closed door...and in Isaiah 22:22 the only one that can open and close a door is God.  You can't make people see the light of Jesus, only Jesus can.  He sends us out to share the Light, but whether the door is open or not depends on if they will actually see the Light you show them. 

It is at this point that I realize how my friend was able to touch so many people...she loved everyone and sought to do so...not just one direction.  Not just one door.  She looked for open doors that God picked for her and Love-Light poured out.  I want to live this legacy.  I want to love everyone.  She had a love only Jesus could give her, and I desire to understand that more and more.  When it is time for the celebration of my life, I pray that I can leave this legacy for someone to claim as his/her own as she did for me. 

Dear Lord, remind me that only you can open and close doors in my life, and only in those open doors will your love-light radiate in.  I pray for my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ...that you will reveal to them doors of opportunity to share your Love-Light.  Give me strength to walk away from the closed doors and to stay away until, by your power and will, those doors open in their time. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

When It Really Hurts

The vision:  

I'm laying on a hospital bed in a room with IV needles injected into me.  I hurt, I ache, the pain at first seemed overbearing.  I lay there receiving my treatment.  
God speaks from beside me, "This hurts doesn't it?" 
"Yeah, it sure does."  
"But you know you need to go through this to get better." 
"Yes, I believe that.  I don't know how long it will take, nor do I know what will come of this...but I know it will make me better." 
"I will be right here beside you the whole way." 
"I know.  I can make it through this knowing that."  
"I love you Kat...this is for my ultimate good."  

Recently, I had held to a promise for some time now.  I believed (at the time) that my intentions had purified, my motives with this party had been under control, and I thanked God for allowing me to be living at peace in myself (mostly) while I believed what He was going to do. 

In a whirlwind of emotions from losing a very dear friend at my nursing home, I was overcome with fear and confusion when I noticed a glimpse of my promise being shattered.  I ran for assistance immediately.  And my assistance, I mean that I ran to a trusting source to tell me that this was happening and break me hard now so I could cry that night and get on with life the next day.  My friends and parents were there instantly to console my heart through this tough time, but to my Mom this hardship was an answer to her prayer and I found delight in that despite my struggle.

Monday came, and a wave of comfort came through devotionals and coworkers and residents who had no idea what I was going through.  I truly felt my vision constantly throughout the day, and it gave me the strength I needed to keep going and look past that promise I made for myself and hear God tell me a greater promise that I can't put into a box nor a face.

In 2 Corinthians 12, Paul talks about a thorn in his flesh that he prayed God to get rid of.  God's answer was no.  (This is hilarious, because in the past 2 days, I have had 3 devotionals and/or verses tell me this exact same thing)  Through this thorn however, he was able to rely more dependently on God.

Yesterday, I held a memorial service for my residents because of all the deaths they've experienced in such a short time.  In that service we talked about hardships and one man asked me "Why would God put you through such difficult times?"

I pondered that, and responded "I honestly can't tell you right now why God is putting you through the hardship and struggle you are going through now, but I can tell you reasons I've seen from hindsight in ways He has used hardships."

I proceeded to explain that we live in a sinful world.  God can use our hardships to make us more dependent on Him.  He can use hardships to help others overcome theirs.  This man listened, and I knew the words of God were speaking through me because if there was a time when I was truly at my weakest emotionally, I saw Him make me my strongest emotionally for my residents.  

In the last few days, God has overpowered VAST amounts of wisdom and opportunities to me...more than I can explain at the moment.  As doors open and I am able to walk through them, I will post more. 

In the mean time, my friends, take comfort in your hardships.  God is sitting next to you encouraging you that this moment in your life is for His own good, even though we don't understand.  Someday, you may.  But  trust Him, because God's ways are perfect and truly for our own good. 

I love you all. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Living a Metaphor, Part 3

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
2 Timothy 4:7

When my 5k is done, I hope I can say this.  I hope I kept myself accountable in my routine.  I also hope that when my life is coming to an end, I can say this as well.  I pray that I can say "I have kept the faith."  "I persevered through the tough times and kept myself going toward Christ even when I have a gust of troubles pushing against me to slow me down." 

 I finished.  Sure, it wasn't amazing timing, but I finished.

This morning was my first 5k run.  To me, a lot was accomplished.  I met all my goals for this race:

1) Survive
2) Run it under 30 min.
3) Keep to the routine

Running wasn't part of my history, nor was it ever really my favorite way to exercise.  I was an aerobic girl, dancing around in the basement of my parents' home for a long time.  I'm also a yoga girl, holding stretches and endurance that way.  These were done in the privacy of my own space.

Running can't stay inside.  Running is out where everyone can see you.  Even when you start off, people look at you and can see your pace and analyze every movement you make.  (this is in my head obviously)

I needed this.  I needed to stop hiding and being scared of not being good enough.  Not being the best.  The truth is that I was making up all these lies and judgements inside of me.  I needed to overcome this.  I wanted to run and try it.  I needed to stop putting the judgements in other people. 

I needed to stick to a routine and keep going through it.  There are so many things in life I need to commit to.  Some of them I have decided to fight through in the midst of this race.  Some things I do need a little more kick with, but I am learning more and more that I need to pick something, pray over it, and do it. 

In all honesty...I don't want to be the wife or mother that is sitting on her butt saying "Honey, what should I do?"  For every little thing.  Yes, I want advice and input, and I need a man to be realistic with me.  But I want to be able to have some courage to do some of that myself so I am not fully leaning and exhausting my husband or close friends. 

And right now in life, I have freedom to commit to what I can do.  Am I going to sit on my butt and let it slip away?  Or am I going to keep getting up and walk toward the goal that I so desire before it is no longer available to me? 

For my first race, I walked away so happy and excited at what I had done.  Did I get passed by more experienced runners?  Oh course!  Man, it was hard for me to not be discouraged.  However, my goal was not their goal.  My purpose was not their purpose.  My training was not their training.  I didn't have to be as good as them, because I was in a different place. 

This is truly something that I have to drill into myself, but thanks to Jesus I am able to overcome!  I can see more through His eyes rather than my competitive eyes.  I am so thankful that He is showing me this, because it brings me so much more peace.  It will be very easy for me to fall back into my pity party and insecurity, but I was able to see and experience freedom from this thinking.  I know it can happen. 

Thank you Jesus. 

Fight the good fight!  Finish the race!  I love you all! 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Baby Steps


This word can be terrifying to some people, but to others it is inviting.  I see two categories of people when it comes to failure:  Those that run from the risk, and those that run toward the challenge. 

As a fellow people pleasure, if failure comes across the screen in my life, I run and hide and try not to let anyone see that I failed.  I keep it secure in my own heart and mourn the loss myself.  However, I envy the people that stare it in the face and say "I'll prove that wrong." 

I am reading a devotional with a couple girls, and this week's talk about trusting God focuses on trusting Him through our failures.  I have read about how God uses failures for His glory, but I also have read about how we need to keep pushing through even when we don't get it the first time.  I fail once, I'd give up and think "Oh I wasn't supposed to do that" and I'd be done.  Sometimes, yes.  God does keep things from happening in our lives to keep us safe, but how do we know the difference?  How do we know when God is saying "no" in our failures and when God is saying "yes?" 

In short...check your heart. 

If your motives are on Pride, Rebellion, Disobedience...etc, it's not from God. 

If your motives are on Justice, Love, Kindness, Patience...etc, it's honoring to God and He encourages us to persevere. 

I could speak more on that another time...but this post is about taking the baby steps to overcome the fear of failure.  And by baby steps, I mean...let's look directly at baby steps. 

If you have kids, you can relate to this.  If you've watch toddlers walk, you can relate to this.  If you ever once was a baby learning to walk, you can relate to this (Okay, I got everyone) 

As babies grow to toddlers, they are very curious and fearless.  They seem to get into everything once they know how to move around enough.  They are ambitious.  It wouldn't even dawn on them that falling on their butts is considered a failure.  I've seen many kids fall and get right back up to keep moving.  I have also seen other kids fall, cry, but get back up and try again.  I've never seen a kid fall on his/her butt once to sit there and swear to never try again.  Eventually, they learn to walk. 

These kids are not thinking "What if I fail?"  They are thinking "I want that!  I'm going to try my best and get it!"  If I were a toddler in this big world, I'd be sitting on the floor so many times.  I would need to be physically picked up by a parent or friend to get back on my feet and try again.  I waited for my observers to say "Go ahead Kat, try again."  And don't get me wrong, we need that.  Friends are there to pick us up and encourage us toward the finishing goal.  My Heavenly Father is there to pick me up.  However, there are many times that failure is such a scare to me that even with encouragement I sit idle.  I don't want to be the kid that waits until my peers tell me to move.  I want to be that kid that sees something amazing and goes for it!  Perseveres for it!  Fights for it!  If I fall on my butt and the world see it, I want to get back up and try again. 

Dear Lord, I pray that my fear of this world would begin to diminish.  I ask that you would put blinders on my soul to where I see the goal and fight for it without any fear of what others think around me.  I pray that I would be focused on you and not the waves.  Show me more and more through your eyes what is worth the risk, and I pray that your plans would succeed in me.  I pray for faith like the toddlers in my life.  Help me reflect this.  Amen. 

Let's take baby steps again!  I love you all! 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Not Good Enough

I am not good enough. 

I cannot do anything well. 

I can't make a difference.  

I am not strong enough.  

I have to carry everyone's one has time for mine. 

These are all grouped into lies that we usually picture first to break us down, tear our hearts apart, and make us want to scream.  However, this isn't always the case.  These are my common lies:

I am the best.  

No one can do what I am able to do. 

I can't be less than one can see that I am less than that. 

I am strong enough to do it on my own.

I can't break down, no one can see me cry.  

This is funny to me...because I am writing a study based on the book of Ruth about how we as women are to flourish in our roles, however my heart does not reflect it all the time.  We women are emotional creatures, but I HATE it when I am "weak."  I need to understand something very valuable...I am not perfect.  I will fail.  It is okay.  (Do you hear this is okay to fail.  It is okay to not have all the answers.  It is okay to cry)  Now, I know that I know it, but I don't know it. (did you follow?) 
My head knows the truths, but my heart many times refuses to make it truth.  Both sets of lies are wrong, but they are right.  They are both 100% true to those who know Christ.  

"We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags [in God's sight]…." Isaiah 64:6

This is so hard for hard.  The reality is that anything good I do is no better than a used tampon.  This is truth.  This verse says it is truth...for those that don't know Christ.  My good works will not get me into heaven.  They are worthless in God's sight and cannot win my salvation.  My good works cannot bring glory because my heart is wicked. (Jer. 17:9) 

So, to an extent, the first set of "lies" are truths to me: 

I am not good enough. 

I cannot do anything well. 

I can't make a difference.  

I am not strong enough.  

But, only through the power of Christ, here is how these truths become absolute Truth...

I am not good enough, but Christ is making me perfect.

"Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me." Philippians 3:12

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."  Philippians 4:13

"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." 2 Corinthians 4:7

Christ called me to go make a difference. 
"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."  Matthew 28:19

I shouldn't underestimate the power of Christ in me, but I cannot think that this power and ability is my own. 

I can't find this balance alone.  I can't.  I struggle continuously with my insecurity and pride and waiting to become perfect, but I feel that is why we have community.  That is why Christ gave us the Church.  To help each other.  Lift each other up, carry each others' burdens.  We need to give it up and ask for help, and we need to be willing to help others.  Some people get this help from friends.  They are more open and comfortable with it.  Others can post publically and feel better about it.  But others are more reserved with their personal struggles, and they may just need one real close, trusting person, who will be there through thick and thin to help carry it.  Every one is different, but God gives what we need to bring the glory to Him. 

God, I need you, and I need people to help me need you.  Bring people in my life to help me break down the lies and build up the Truth.  I can't do it alone, I need you and I need you to bring me people to help.  Use people to remind me of your calling for me and to just do tell me its okay, bring people to tell me that I can't do it, but through you I can.  Give me people to find this balance, because I can't do it God.  I am not perfect...and even though I don't always want to wait for it, remind me that you are making me perfect.  This is my struggle, but thank you that you have overcome! 

"So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor." 
1 Peter 5:6

I love you all. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Living a Metaphor Part 2

I said I would continue on with Scripture, so I shall.  If any of you had any concerns with this whole topic, bear with me and please keep reading. 

These verses are the best way to describe what God is showing me to do spiritually, and they happen to be about "running." 

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."   
Hebrews 12:1 

In order for me to keep up this running, I need to continually throw off laziness, distractions, lies, and business.  These things easily keep me from running and changing my mind.  It is so much the same in my spiritual walk.  I can be so quick to laziness, distractions, lies, and business in my life that keep me from persevering with Christ. 

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
2 Timothy 4:7

When my 5k is done, I hope I can say this.  I hope I kept myself accountable in my routine.  I also hope that when my life is coming to an end, I can say this as well.  I pray that I can say "I have kept the faith."  "I persevered through the tough times and kept myself going toward Christ even when I have a gust of troubles pushing against me to slow me down." 

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize." 
1 Corinthians 9:24

I don't just run to run.  My running has a goal, as I said, for a 5k.  To finish the race strong.  My running has a purpose, as I also said before, to show myself that I can persevere past my personal comfort and see the goal accomplished that I set before me.  This doesn't mean slack off, nor does this mean "it will just happen so I can take it easy."  Oh heavens...guys...for some of you the weight does just come off..but for us ladies, that just doesn't happen.  I have to PUSH myself beyond limits and keep myself pushing to get this weight off.  It takes work.  To me, this is a sweet prize for me to be able to say "yes...I can."  Failure is only if I quit before the prize. 

It is through this motivation that I can also run for the overall prize that Paul is actually talking about here.  The prize is at the end of our lives.  The race toward Christ is the continuing molding and refining of our hearts til our image reflects Christ's.  This doesn't come to completion until the day we end our lives down here and finally come home to our sweet Jesus. 

I want to close with something else that I may be sure some of you question about this whole ordeal, and I even question myself sometimes...but I am going to make it very clear as to why I want to lose weight. 

Before, I failed at this because I wanted to bring glory to myself.  I said I wanted people to notice me, I wanted a sexy bod, I was pretty much okay with being eye candy, thinking I would attract at least 1 good guy in the crowd.  Now, I want to bring glory to God because my heart's motives on losing weight is to live out how my spiritual walk should look.  Weight loss represents the "impossible" goal that I cannot do alone, and normally would give up on.  I am so quick to quit many inner commitments in my life that I don't work through it. 

But also, like many good things, it is only a heart-change away from becoming a bad thing.  It is easy to make this an idol, just like other things in our lives can be.  I pray that my heart will continue to be selfless in this, and that God will continue to speak to me about my spiritual journey with Him through my exercise.  If we are called to worship God in everything we do, this is how I would do it through exercising. 

I ask that my heart stay pure in my motives, and that the meditations of my heart would be pleasing to my God. 

I appreciate the prayers for this.  As always, I love you all. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Living a Metaphor Part 1

Yesterday I was pondering this 5k run that I'm training for at the end of this month.  I personally have a handful of goals that I wanted to accomplish with this, but my perspective for this has been slightly different than my last goals with this similar purpose. 

My personal overall purpose for exercising is to lose weight, or tone up.  I want to lose my flab.  Now, true...I don't have much and I am actually very healthy.  This reason fed on the main reason that made it very difficult for me to commit to this.

1) I wanted the approval of man

 I really wanted guys to turn their heads and see a cute bod.  I really wanted others to pat me on the back for my accomplishment.  I really wanted people to tell me how amazing I looked. 

However, many times I would have people tell me "oh girl, you look great!  You don't need to lose."  And my motivation was gone.  Some guys at my work would flirt with me, and I felt "okay, I'm okay." 

PS.  NOT a good reason for ANYTHING

News flash that I love to hear and need to hear very often

You have an audience of one, and you already have His approval

God doesn't care how much I weigh, and ladies He doesn't care how straight your hair is, nor does He care about how prim and proper you look.  God wants you, all of your, raw and emotions and all.  God desires you, the real you.  The way He made you.

Now, does this mean let my body go?  Not at all.  In fact, now I'm exercising with a different perspective.  My goal is not to turn heads now get others approval.  My goal is to keep my weight to myself, be happy with who I am, but to persevere with a task that would seem so difficult that I would appear to fail in my own mind normally.  Usually I stop at failure, and this is why I would fail.  Because I stop.  I am really trying to lose weight to get myself to break past that point for me.  I know I don't need to lose, but I also know I can. 

God has taught me a LOT through this simple direction.  Let me show you faults I've found:

-I have a hard time committing when failure is even possible in my perception
-I have a hard time taking others peoples plans because I want to take all the credit in my heart for coming up with my own method (hardcore pride)
-I have a hard time persevering through if there is no real reason for me to

I noticed that other areas of my life have improved BECAUSE of these things coming to surface.  I have realized more of my heart and what really keeps me from accomplishing God's plan.

Spiritually, I need to live the same way.  I need to set a plan to read and not just glance by.  When I exercise, I don't just walk a block and call it done.  I spend time, really digging deep into me and letting out all the energy I can to burn the most calories I can and actually see myself improving.  It's the same with my walk with God.  I need to be taking steps forward.

Just as I need to be open to others input and advice with running plans, I need to be open with those around me and accept their input on the Bible.  If the running plan doesn't help me, I disregard it.  If the teaching isn't sound, I disregard it. 

I gotta get to work now...but I really want to elaborate on this more with Scripture.  Have a great Friday!  I love you all!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Promise to Hold

Got an area of your life where you can't see God's hand or trust He will come through for a tough time? 
Ponder this...hold to this promise and abolish the foothold Satan has in the Name of Jesus. 

God's love is not a shallow love that always rescues us easily or quickly.  
God loves us enough to walk us through the fiery times that make us more like His Son, 
Jesus Christ.  His ways are not our ways, and our thoughts are so often very different from His thoughts.  God is holy.  He is faithful.  And we really can trust Him to work at the right time and in the right way for our good and His glory. 

"And my God will meet all your needs according 
to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus"-Philippians 4:19

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Bible Reading Part 2

I have this study journal with me this time, and I just want to type out a section of the introduction to this journal.  There are three parts that I will summarize for this post:

Part 1-Bible Reading, Absorbing Your Bible

  1. Summarize-stay surface level of what is actually being said in the scripture.  Record the basic facts of what is happening and what is being said.  Do not put yourself in this picture yet, nor analyze what this would mean in your life.  I've noticed with myself that I totally skip this step often, and it actually gives me a misconception of what God is trying to tell me because I assume something is being told to me in my life that is irrelevant to the text. 
  2. Meditate-or "marinate"  Allow the words of Scripture to absorb into your mind and heart.  Memorize what is being said, ponder this by rewording the scriptures into your own words and make them personal (but don't change what is actually being said).   Repeat a verse or message of the passage over and over in your heart and let it soak in.  While you do this, ask yourself questions such as "What does this teach me about God?"  "What does God want me to learn about me?"  "Is there a specific sin that I need to repent of?"  "How does this passage testify of who Jesus Christ is and what He has done?"  This takes time.  Don't rush this step. 
  3. Respond-Depending on what you have found in your heart, whether it was a sin in your life or a revelation about God's character, offer it up to God in prayer.  Thank Him for showing you what you saw.  Praise Him for the good you found in Him, or confess to Him the sin that He brought to surface in your life.  
    1. I like this, because so many times when we communicate with God, we do all the talking and don't give God a chance to respond.  This way, God is speaking first and we are quieting ourselves to hear Him, and THEN we respond.  It seems backwards, but to quote this journal quick, "this response portion is a healthy reminder that true theology (the study of God) leads to doxology (glory to God).  That is, knowing His Word impacts us holistically--our minds, our hearts, and our wills and actions."  
Part 2-Praying

As I had stated in the 3rd point above, prayer is crucial in our walk with Jesus.  God communicates to us in His Word, and we communicate back through prayer.  Don't be afraid of the junk in your life, bring them before God.  Don't worry about the lack of faith you have, God wants you anyway.  Jesus makes it possible for us to come as we are.  God knows all the junk, hypocrisy, failures, and doubt we have already...and He still loves us.  As you read more, you will see that.  You will see God's compassion and trust that more and more no matter how sinful we are.  Jesus makes this possible, so come as you are.  Bring your hurts, shame, imperfections...and praise Him! 

Part 3-Journaling

This step is pretty much taking what you've learned and putting it down to allow it to further sink.  I really like to journal what God has spoken to me because it sinks more into me when I process it enough to put it into words that I can express.  It also gives me a reference that I can look back to and remember what God has taught me.  I forget so fast, even if I study it.  I can't remember references very well, and I really have to work during the meditation process for me to really grasp the teachings for a long period of time.  Journaling helps me with that.  

Apparently, putting pen to paper awakens areas of your brain that would remain inactive during your studies, and by journaling you are awakening more of you and creating more of a healthy habit rather than a random exercise. 

Friends, make the habit of "marinating" into Scriptures.  Even if it's just a verse at a time, let it soak into you daily.  Fill yourselves with something.  Take it from me, it's easy to set unrealistic goals, and it's VERY easy to set too many realistic goals to make them all unrealistic.  

Satan is very good at distracting you from good things, and VERY good at distracting you with too many good things.  Both keep us from really soaking into God's message, and Satan will try very hard to do whatever he can to hinder you from hearing God's voice.  

I hope these last two posts help in your studying.  Be eager to share what God has spoken to you with others.  I am encouraged by this greatly when I hear how God is working in those around me.   Get hooked into community.  

And again, I love you all.