Monday, May 20, 2013

His Majesty

Last night I was really pondering something...and it was spawned from the amazing storm system that went through Waverly IA last night. 

I got a text from a friend to check out the storm, and I instantly ran outside and stood in the massive plummet of raindrops that soaked me, while lightning and thunder roared around me.  I find this to be my instant reaction to storms.  Storms truly excite me.  The more serious their prediction, the more excited I get. 

I have been accused of being an adrenaline junkie...which is probably true.  I won't deny it.  But I don't feel it's the adrenaline that really gets me into storms.  I've wanted to be a storm chaser, run down tornadoes and capture the moment of such intensity!  But why? 

Because I'm crazy?  Because I want the thrill?  Eh, yes that's part of me...but it's not entirely true.  See, as the storm gets more severe, I am excited but then excitement turns into fear.  Fear because I know what will happen if that storm gets too close to myself, friends, and loved ones.  Destruction follows.  Deaths occur.  Inevitable damage rages the scene. 

So why do I like storms?  They remind me of God.  The characteristics of a storm coincide with the characteristics of our Mighty God:

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Psalm 19:1

The clouds poured out water; the skies gave forth thunder; your arrows flashed on every side.
Psalm 77:17

Ascribe power to God, whose majesty is over Israel, and whose power is in the skies.
Psalm 68:34

Just as people can fall into the wrath of a raging storm, those that don't know Jesus will fall into his wrath when he comes again.

For we know him who said, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.” And again, “The Lord will judge his people.”  It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Hebrews 10:30-31

It is truly awesome to be soaked in his majesty.  I stand in the rain not because I like getting wet.  I stand in the storm because I want to embrace the majesty of God.  

These storms also remind me of the storms in my spiritual walk.  At times they rage all the more in my heart.  The thunder bursts louder, the lightening closer, and the wind thrashes me about as personal struggles become harder to withstand.  Standing in the rain during a storm is a delight, because I want to delight in my current struggles.  It is a reminder that storms come, and storms go, but God is always there, and perseverance is my goal.  The more the wind thrashes me about, the stronger God will make me.  The stronger the challenge, the stronger the growth.

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
James 1:2-4

And thank goodness I don't have to stand in the storms alone...

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.  And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
Hebrews 10:23-25

I want to see the Majesty of God in my personal storms as I see him in the physical ones.  

The path of a storm is unknown, even though we try to predict it as best as we can.  The best thing you can do is obey the warnings and take shelter.  When the Judgement Day comes, where will your shelter be?  Will you heed the warnings now and abide in the only shelter for the ultimate storm?  

Until then, delight in the majesty of God all around you.  The skies proclaim the works of his hands!  

Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out,
For the Lord our God
the Almighty reigns."
Revelation 19:6

 I love you all.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

What Are We Missing?

Remember that phrase?  "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger?"  I used to believe that...then I heard a sermon from Ed Moore that gave me a new perspective.  As many of you know, I dive into the book of Ruth a lot...I find lots of information from Ruth because I see a lot of good quality characteristics in Ruth that I ask God to show me.  I see correlations between Ruth and Boaz, and me and Jesus.  I always find something everytime I come back. 

I will say quickly however, that I read and study other books as well.  Don't just focus on one book to give you all the answers.  I just happen to really like reading and studying Ruth more frequently.  In 4 chapters, I find a lot. 

Near the end of the first chapter, we see Naomi and Ruth conversing.  As I listened to the sermon, I was blown away by how much was taken out of the last 4 verses....but I want to make one point to you that convicted me, and I hope it opens your eyes a little as well. 

Naomi was not at all worried about the spiritual condition of Ruth because she was so engrossed in her own loss.  We don't lose a husband and two kids on a regular basis, but what other little things consume us and bring our attitudes to an aggressive flare? 

"UGH!! I overslept again!!" 

"My kids just WON'T leave me alone!" 

"My car won't start...this is the second time this week!"  

"Another stop light??  Man I'll be late for sure!" 

"I lost my phone!"

"I'm so lonely..." 

The list can go on and on. 

No matter what the issue is, it can easily consume us.  It can make us bitter very easily. 

What made Naomi bitter?  I got some ideas that Ed mentioned in his sermon:
-She wasn't close to God in Moab
-She only saw her loss when she looked at Ruth
-She didn't understand the character of God
-She felt that she deserved more

How easy these 4 things relate to us.  Take a struggling single for example.  If I didin't rely on God, I'd fall into all 4 of these points.  If I'm not close to God, I'm not seeking Him and desiring His will above my own.  If I only see the pain in the singleness, I miss the blessing I have.  If I didn't understand God's character, I would feel like He was distant and withholding from me.  If I believed I deserved a husband, I would be upset every time I realize I don't have one. 

I don't deserve anything except Hell. 

Being on earth is a step above Hell, so no matter what happens here, we already are getting better than what we deserve.  I need to stop feeling that I deserve more and start enjoying more of what I do have.  I need to stop feeling bitter toward those that have what I want.  I am like Naomi too much, in that I have only seen my pain in other's rather than blessings.

Are we missing opportunies because of our bitterness?  I know I have.  I know I am. 

Friends, if we are focused on the world and material to get us what we want, we will always end up unsatisfied and empty.  We will always feel dissappointed.  If we feel we deserve the things that have been given to us, we will appear rude, bitter, and ungrateful when we don't have these things in our possessions.  When trials do come, we will heat up the room with our attitude.  We won't be stronger, we will be bitter. 

If we aren't concerned with spiritual, we will end up bitter.  Naomi was not concerned about spirituality in this first chapter.  She left Bethlehem with her husband because of a famine.  She returned back because Bethlehem was out of the famine.  Naomi's example is not one to follow.  Her attitude missed the point...she already sent her other daughter-in-law home.  She missed the opportunity to evangelise to Orpah.  If Ruth wasn't so set in following Naomi, Ruth would have stayed lost as well.

Who are we sending away in bitterness, and how can you find joy in all circumstances?  I pray that we can leave all bitterness aside and find a humble spirit in all things, knowing what we do deserve and being thankful that it isn't part of our fate anymore!   Praise the LORD!! 

I love you all friends.  Thank you for reading.  I hope it touched you today. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013


When I was 16, I got a purity ring.
And when I was 25, I took it off.
I didn’t tell anyone I was doing it — it wasn’t a statement or an emotional thing. I just slipped it off my finger that day and, before tucking it away in a box, ran my finger around the words on the familiar gold band.
“True Love Waits.” Waits.
What’s it “waiting” for, anyway?

This was taken from a blog I read called "I Don't Wait Anymore"  It really spoke to me, and it's something that I currently am praying about in my own heart.

The words "True Love Waits" have been something that I haven't only worn around my finger for years, but it's also been worn around my heart.  It has been the statement that has kept me from emotionally plummeting when I felt lonely in singleness.  These words reminded me to be strong when I wanted to cry.  These words have been there to remind me that God has a bigger blessing for me...

But is this blessing what I'm called to wait for? 

We have been told to wait.  Wait for sex til marriage.  Wait for the right one.  Wait...wait...wait.

I don't know about you...but the idea of waiting means that I expect it to eventually happen.

Waiting for a husband means that I will have a husband someday...but will I?  What if I stopped waiting?  What if I was convinced that I didn't have to live life waiting?  What if I was so content in my current status that it didn't matter what happened tomorrow?  God didn't promise everyone would have a spouse.  God didn't promise that if we waited, he would provide a spouse.  God promised that He would give us the desires of our hearts...but does that include this gap we want filled with a spouse?

I don't believe so. 

I have a purity ring right now as well with this phrase on it..."True Love Waits."   Now, I could do as this girl did and take it off for the purpose of not waiting anymore.  I could also keep it on to remind myself to wait on the only One who's love is True.  Either perspective on "waiting" needs to change.  It is not healthy to be set on something that God doesn't promise to us specifically. 

Keeping this perspective makes it hard when you see the joy that married couples have with each other.  It is hard when you want someone there to help your accountability.  It is tough when you see past singles that are now engaged and free to express it around you.  Jeolousy easily floods in because you want that to be you so bad....but it can't consume you.  Our hearts need to change, and our teaching to youth needs to change.

We can't tell ourselves to wait for love, we need to wait on the Truth that God teaches us on a daily basis.  Someday, there may be a husband in my life...but I have to stop waiting on the uncertain and start waiting on the Rock.  It is too tormenting to wait for something that may never come. 

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me along the path of everlasting life!"   ~Psalm 139:23-24~

 If there was a door that you didn't know could open for you, would you wait to find out?

Keep fighting friends....I truly love you all.