This weekend was a very VERY intense weekend for myself and a group of individuals involved in our mime, The Great Saga. It's a passion mime, going through the real meaning of the Easter season and explaining as best as we can just how much God loves us.
These past few months have done a number on me, and I can see myself as an entirely different person through all this. Just recently, I had really been taken by a part I play...and honestly act out for like 10 seconds. I can't spoil the whole show...but it really made me think of myself as a mother and wife...and how much divorce really hurts. At one point, I got so into the character that I bawled because it hurt so much to pull my (fake) wedding ring off and even imply that divorce was about to happen in my character.
I sat back and thought about that perfect plan called marriage...that symbolism of God and us as the Church. We corrupt it with divorce. We destroyed something that God made so precious...and I can't do that. It hurt enough to act out, but to have it happen in my life would be unbearable.
Today in our sermon at Grace, my pastor talked about Jesus riding into Jerusalem and turning the tables in the temple. He hinted at how Jesus was using that to symbolize that He would eventually destroy the temple system because it had become too corrupt. What other things has God made so pure and perfect that we corrupt with our sinful natures?
We had the flood to name one...but what about in your own lives? I know that God had placed my past relationship on me with pure intentions...but I was a stupid, needy, and physical woman who ruined that perfect relationship. I had neglected my walk and growth with Jesus, so it was taken away. I wasn't the only one with mistakes, but I wasn't really listening to God anymore.
Marriage was a pure thing that we corrupted with divorce. I hadn't ever really felt the pain about fact I thought for the longest time that divorce should have happened in my family to make it easier to live with my parents. Now I am so sorry I even uttered those words. I am proud of my parents for sticking it out and still being committed...and I am so sorry that I thought something so corrupt would be such a good answer to my problems. It should never be the answer.
I want to avoid divorce by not making the same mistakes I made in my past relationship, and I want to pursue God in everything. I don't want to pursue anything outside of that. I don't want to initiate anything. If anything, I want to be chased and pursued. As Jesus' bride, I realize that I became His bride because He went out of His way and gave everything for me. I want my future husband to do just chase me. I was a very strong woman who wanted to be tough and independent, and even start something. I can't. That's not how God wanted it. I am sitting and pursuing God because He pursued me. He chose me, and chased me. That's how it's supposed to me for me. I have a peace in realizing this.
Reflecting back on the corrupt, what things in your life have been given to you pure, and taken away corrupt? Why did that happen, and how can you keep it from happening again? That is my challenge to you all this week (or until my next blog post). How can we keep the pure from becoming corrupt?
Great post. I think that we all get blinded by the world and it is so easy to just want a simple path that everyone else is having so much fun doing (or so we think) Having been married now for almost 4 years I look back and see how important and vital a relationship with the Lord is. There is something special being "yoked" equally. :) I pray the Lord will bring that someone in your life and until that time you will have strength and patience. :) -fellow sister in Christ