I promise this will be shorter...
This is a quick topic I want to hint at...because I have heard many of people (guys and girls) talk about purity and keeping that for their husband. Don't get me wrong...SEEK PURITY CONSTANTLY. If you are a virgin, stay a virgin. Don't ruin that perfect unity with a Mo-Joe person just because it feels right...trust me. It won't feel so right later. Even if you think it's the right guy and the right time...the ONLY right time is after you say "I do." Genesis 2:23-25 How many places in Paul's letters can you find this topic? Please...stay a virgin.
One friend I talked to about this said that if she dated someone that didn't wait for her, she would be pissed (and I get this hint from other people as well). I get the impression that guys and girls will use this as 'the last straw'. "Oh she couldn't wait for me, so I'm not even going to consider this person."
Further along in the conversation, another friend said "We wear a purity ring, not a virginity ring."
Virginity=1. The state of never having had sexual intercourse
Purity=1. Freedom from adulteration or contamination
2. Freedom from immorality, esp. of a sexual nature
See the difference? This goes out to those of you who think that individuals who gave into their sexual desires are forever tainted and stained with that curse, or at least aren't good enough to consider because we couldn't wait...isn't all sin equal? What gives us the right to judge? Doesn't God still love and use these people? Let me show you how God tolerates prostitution and sexual immorality when hearts are changed.
Israel as God's prostitute=Judges 10:6-16
Gomor=God instructs Hosea to marry this prostitute (symbolism between God and Israel) Hosea 1-2
"Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope. There she will sing as in the days of her youth, as in the day she came up out of Egypt. 'In that day,' declares the LORD, 'you will call me "my husband"; you will not longer call me "my master."'" Verses 14-16
Rehab, prostitute who was greatly used by God despite her sins=Joshua 2
David with Bathsheba=2 Samuel 11:1-17; 12:1-14
"Then David said to Nathan, 'I have sinned against the LORD.' Nathan replied, 'The LORD has taken away your sin. You are not going to die.'" (Verses 13-14)
If we really want to, we can change. Again, purity is defined as freedom from adulteration or contamination and freedom from immorality, esp. of a sexual nature. Thanks to Christ, we are no longer slaves to our sinful nature...but we have to really desire God over this and completely rid ourselves of this chain through Christ. (Ephesians 2:1-9, Romans 6:18, Galatians 5:13) We don't have to remember or dread on them. God doesn't, if we are really freed from that then we don't...we learn from it and lean on the second chance that Christ gives.
Why should it still be held against us, and why should these people be judged by that when we have just as much crud on our plate as well? Evaluate your own slate and life before you pass a judgment on a changed heart.
And friends, thanks for the talks and discussions on topics like these. It makes for great Biblical research on my part and deep blog posts into my own heart, and hopefully yours as well. =)
Love you all as a sister in Christ.
i like this. :)