This weekend has been so spiritually uplifting. Oh my goodness...God is amazing! I got the opportunity to help minister as a volunteer at the Mark Schultz concert in Cedar Falls last night. As I expected, I was a blubbering mess, crying at every other song. But I was also yearning inside to do something throughout the whole concert: pray. I felt led to pray for hearts at that concert. I prayed for Mark's ministry with us, I prayed for the opening bands. I prayed for the starving children and individuals that were led to sponsor a child. I prayed and worshiped all night.
In our Bible study tonight, we looked at Acts 6. As short as it is, there was something that really stuck out to me. Something I want to hold on to:
Verses 1-6=A need to serve the widows arose. The 12 apostles met with all the disciples and said "It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables...We will turn this responsibility over to them (7 other men) and give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word."
Lazy selfish apostles! Man...putting the dirty work on others so they don't have to do it...wait...
In the passage, it shows that we are all called to do something in this present time. The apostles saw that they were called to "give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word." Does that mean that they were being selfish and sinful to pass those duties to someone else? Not at all! In fact, if we said yes to everything people asked us to do, we'd be neglecting the true calling(s) that God has for us. We'd be BUSY (being under Satan's yolk).
This also shows a demonstration of our body in Christ. We all serve the same God, but in different areas. For me, I am used more with worship and prayer right now. I feel I am being called to be involved in supportive roles, to uplift those that are leading or hurting. To be passive aggressive. To be aggressively supportive to those around me.
Tonight, my group prayed after studying chapter 6. We lifted up prayer after prayer, then we went on a prayer walk and prayed for the community...and I felt such a peace. I felt God's Spirit stirring with requests that came to my heart. I couldn't keep silent...but when I did I felt God's presence even more.
God is teaching me how to pray. Today's sermon was from Ecclesiastes 5:1-7. Verses 1-3 told me "Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few." I have had this terrible habit of elongating prayers...even normal conversation and blogging. I was shown and convicted of how repetitive I can get.
Verse 7 says "Much dreaming and many words are meaningless. Therefore stand in awe of God."
I am being called to support. I am being told to aggressively pray for those around me. Pray with few words...let my ears be pierced and dug out so I can really hear God. Encourage others that are more active in the field...lift them up and nourish them through prayer and music.
You may have heard a calling, but won't step up to it. You may be afraid of it, or neglectful by saying "I promise I will do it...tomorrow."
Ecclesiastes 5:4-6 "When you make a vow to God, do not delay in fulfilling it. He has no pleasure in fools; fulfill your vow. It is better not to vow than to make a vow and not fulfill it."
What vows have you made before God? To those around you? Have you vowed to obey your calling? To step out in boldness? Are you being distracted or discouraged in your own power to do it? I vowed to start up this prayer meeting soon...but neglected it. No more waiting. God is calling me and others around me to meet in prayer. What are you waiting for....what have you got to lose?
Fulfill your vows and accept your callings as they come to you today...not tomorrow.
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