Monday, January 16, 2012


As interesting as Ecclesiastes is, I encourage you to flip to chapter 11, starting at verse 7 and read to verse 7 in chapter 12.  I will break this down quick and give you my revelation (this section was what my pastor preached on yesterday).

This whole section reflects on Solomon saying "rejoice in your youth!  Love life where you are at!  Don't be naive of the hardships, but enjoy what you can before you aren't able to anymore.  It doesn't last forever." 

Solomon encourages us to rejoice in our youth...rejoice in our riches that matter.  Enjoy today.  Chapter 12 then begins a poem of what happens to us physically as we age.  Solomon uses this to encourage us all the more of what we have in our youth. 

I like to take notes while I am listening to a sermon...and I caught myself writing this as if it were Jesus talking to me:

"Kat, enjoy what you have and be delighted in your singleness.  You have freedom!  Enjoy it and rejoice in being used by it.  This is a gift.  Know me and delight now...before you're married.  Before your freedom is gone.  Before your heart rests in a man and children.  Before age takes you.  Love me now.  Grow in me.  Learn to listen and resist the devil now.  Store your treasures in Heaven.  Remember me, your Creator and lover..before it's too late." 

This is how God used Solomon's words to speak to me.  "Rejoice in our riches that matter."  What riches matter to me today?  Not money...I am rich in every other way except money...and that's exactly how I want it, because that's how God wants it. 

Personally, I will hold tight to this in order to keep the chains off me that the evil one tries to slip back on me again.  My young friends, my single friends...rejoice where we are.  Trust, but don't be burdened with this gift God grants us!  We can get up and do more for his kingdom.  We can be more spontaneous.  We can drop life faster to help a needy individual before our married friends with families.  This is a blessing.  God can use us now.  Rejoice!! 

Do I still want to get married....oh yes I do...but I refuse to let Satan put the chains on me again to pull my heart down toward that road again...that heart-breaking road that keeps me desiring a man in my life.  I have peace...I have joy.  I have patience and hope.  I will keep my eyes on Jesus, and remind Satan of his fate.  He has no grip on me as long as Jesus is in the storm with me...and He promises to always be there. 

Love your life today.  Rejoice and thank God for your hidden blessings and take advantage of your freedom in your youth before it's too late. 

1 comment:

  1. Ha, ha. Wow. I've never thought of that passage in that way before. :) I really needed to hear that today; thanks for sharing!
