Ash Wednesday and Lent was nothing I'd ever grown up with and taken part of, but in the past few years it has really been an amazing concept for me. Fasting and preparing ourselves for the Easter last years I'd always done the "fasting" part by giving up something like: pop, candy, junk food, TV...this year is different.
I felt God putting on my heart to do two things this Lent season:
Give up, and Soak in. (The soaking in was introduced by a good friend of mine whom was challenged to read and blog about scripture every day. By blogging, he was kept accountable)
My giving up is fast food. I am going to keep my physical body as healthy as I can, and keep myself from spending that extra money so it can be used for uplifting purposes.
My soaking in is through worship. Every day, I'm giving myself at least 1 hour of personal worship time. During this time, I hope to draw closer to God by praising Him and offering thanks to Him, as well as lifting up my doubts and concerns. I will keep myself accountable by introducing at least one newer song to my heart.
I ask those that read this to pray for me through this. Last night after (and during youth group) I was greatly attacked with doubts of my gifts and abilities that God has given me. When the Holy Spirit revealed the devil's strategies to me, my fire burned again even hotter. Ask me which songs God put on my heart to learn.
Ask Jesus to show me the Father more and more during this hour. Test me, because in doing this will I be encouraged to keep fighting.
I love you all, and would encourage you to take part in this challenge during the Lent season as well. Hopefully, that 40-day challenge may turn into a lifestyle change for you that brings you closer to our Father in Heaven.
Keep fighting the good fight. We aren't meant to fight it alone. We need each other through Christ.
YAY for personal worship time! Soooo essential...and FUN! May the goose be with you! ;)