In a shorter blog, I want to share a couple scriptures with you about what Jesus says about faith and how this spoke to me recently.
Mark 10:13-16
13 People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” 16 And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.
What does it mean to receive the kingdom of heaven like a child? In 1 John, we are called children of God. Because of this, we must have a child-like faith. When I was young, my dad could and was my superman. When I got older, I realized more that my Dad wasn't immortal. I wasn't as eager and excited, and I surely wasn't naive anymore. I was more aware of the worries in life as I got older.
Jesus is not telling us to be immature, nor is he telling us to stay naive about the troubles of today. What I feel he is saying is that we need to believe that God is capable of doing anything despite our worries and doubts. My dad could do ANYTHING when I was a child. I got older and "outgrew" that. Jesus never wants us to "outgrow" the possibilities God can do for us. He thrives in situations where it seems hopeless.
In Matthew 9 Jesus heals two blind men, and says that their faith (in his ability and authority) healed them. I want that faith to heal me. I want that faith like a child in her heavenly Father. I want that "anything is possible" attitude. I pray you do too.
I currently have a few things in my heart that I have been earnestly praying for because I know God is promising prosperity and blessings in these areas of my life. He may be telling me that my faith in His ability and authority will grant me my requests. One I will share briefly because it is a huge burden to me.
I work at a nursing home in Cedar Falls. I have been working as an activity planner for a while, and even though I love the job, it isn't providing. God whispered to me one morning a few weeks ago "I am going to do something big. Just you wait and see." Shortly after that, my director announced her resignation. I remember saying "Well, that's awesome God, but I don't see how this really helps me." I took a chance, and being compelled by the Holy Spirit, I put my name in for the job. I didn't get it...but guess who did? The Music Therapist. (Remember what I went to school for?) Right now, I am waiting to see if I get accepted as the full-time Music Therapist at my job site. God has been keeping me at my job for a reason...I felt Him keeping me there. I had also been trying to make other arrangements for roommates and cheaper living, but God has literally put all those on hold by giving me NO response from ANYONE I'd been contacting...He is calling me to "Just wait and see." I really feel like a child in the corner, trusting my Father has this awesome gift to give me...I just can't peak or take it before He is willing to give it. But because He is my Father, I know He will give me what He promises.
Humble yourself and act like a faithful child, your Father wants to bless you today.
Kat, that's so exciting about the MT job opening up! God is really working in some sneaky and awesome ways :) keep me posted as to what pans out!