I wanted to share with you all a couple pieces of encouragement I saw today while reading in Matthew with a few amazing girls. In chapter 11, Jesus is approached by John the Baptist's messengers. John wanted to know if Jesus was the one to come (verses 2 & 3)
Jesus didn't reply with "Yes" or "No," but in fact his reply would cause John to think about what He knew of Christ and that the miracles being performed were of the Messiah. God doesn't always give us blunt answers...in fact when we ask Him to clarify, many times He responds in this manner. He reminds us of who He is and what He does, and that itself provides all the answers we need. Don't be discouraged if you are still waiting for "Yes" or "No".....maybe "No, not yet." If you aren't hearing those, read your Bible and hear God speak other truths to you that may answer your questions more than you intentionally wanted. You will feel more blessed this way.
Also, later in this chapter, Jesus going into a "rebuking rant" (I like to say) about those who reject him. He then continues after this rant by saying "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children....All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him."
Woof. So, after speaking out about those who won't accept the Christ, Jesus then says how it's God's pleasure for the educated to not see what has been hidden from them. He denounces these places that have seen his miracles and not responded to them, and then prays to the Father a prayer of praise for keeping these things from the complex-minded and revealing them to those that haven't cluttered their minds with such "knowledge." Maybe it's time to de-clutter my mind so that I may be like a child, able to see God's miracles today.
I really love the transition between the end of that passage into the last three verses of the chapter:
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (verses 28-30)
I never made this connection before, because I'd looked at these three verses alone from the rest of the passage...but here is what I feel Jesus is doing...
"I want to show you the Father, and only I can show you the Father. Here He is."
NUMEROUS times in Psalms there are phrases like "The Lord is our help and shield" (33) "The Lord is the stronghold of my life" (27) He is our hiding place (32)
Only a short few examples from Psalms...and this is what Jesus is showing the people he has chosen to reveal this to about the Father. "Come to me, I will give you rest." Like a shelter, a place of security. God is our security...our only security that will sustain everything this world has to throw at us.
Jesus wants to show you more of the Father. Feel blessed with what He shows you, because only Jesus can show us the Father, and only the Father and Jesus can decide who sees what. It's a gift from God, not by anything we can do (Eph. 2:8). Praise Him for it, and ask Him to show you more.
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