Sunday, June 17, 2012


This was today's sermon for Father's Day at Grace.  I want to share my notes with you all about what was spoken.

Guys, I hope you find encouragement and perseverance in this, because I am encouraged to know that someday a man like this will stand with me.

Acts 7:54-8:4  Please read.

Courage is defined as "play the man." Courageous, for man, means play the role God has called for your life.

Stephen's story:
-Stephen's trial and witness
-Stephen's reaction in his hour of trial
-Stephen's strength

Verse 57- In a court, the crowd plugs their ears, screams, and charges Stephen...they take him out and in furry begin to stone him...without a death sentence established.  This is a mob, out of pure anger and rage.

verse 59...Stephen was calm.  Why?

He was gazing at God and Jesus in Heaven.

(Ask yourself this the courage you want for yourself?  For your wife?  For your children?)

Outside of Stephen, there was chaos!  He was being killed, stoned...there was so much noise and anger and furry that he was hearing!

But inside Stephen, we see peace.  He was gazing at Heaven.  Stones are flying at him, pain inflicted...but he isn't distracted from the glory above Him.

Verse 55 and 56 is shown as that pillar of courage.  Want to be strong guys?  Want to be bold?  There you go.  This is how Stephen did it...this is how you can do it.

Stephen saw Jesus, and that brought Him peace...because this is what Jesus was to Stephen:
1-Our Reigning King
2-Our High Priest
3-Our Welcoming Witness

1) Stephen is showing that he is in the midst of our Reigning King through his stoning.
2) Stephen is saying we don't need a mediator down here anymore to get to Heaven.   Heaven is here before me!

See, the Jews felt that a priest was necessary to present them to God in the temple.  If the temple wasn't there, and if there was no priest to mediate them before God, then it was hopeless.  Stephen is saying "That's not needed!  Jesus is my High Priest, and I don't have to do anything!"

3) I didn't notice this before...but see that Jesus is standing by the Father.  Don't we usually see Jesus sitting?  What is being said here when Jesus is "standing" at the Father's right hand?

Witnesses in courts would stand in the presence of their client, or the person they were testifying for.  That's what Jesus is doing here for Stephen.  He is saying "I am your witness.  Welcome home Stephen," and Stephen realized this.

What a story...what a message for Father's Day.  Whether you are already a father, or are a soon-to-be or desiring-to-be dad, take heart in this message through Stephen.  What about him can you take in order to be a father of great courage?

Have a blessed day!  Give thanks for your father and Heaven Father and enjoy your earthly father while you still can.

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