Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Psalm of Kat

My young adult group talked about writing a psalm as we went through the book of Psalms, but I felt I'd get a head start.  (I bet I could write more than one anyway)

When David is writing the psalms, (or the others writing the psalms for that matter) we see him using the area around him or the circumstance he is in to bring the praise and glory back to God, whether that's through rejoicing or crying out for help.  It is all revolving around our sovereign God's ability to keep us safe.

So given circumstances, heart desires, and promises in my life, here it is:

a Psalm of Kat, written while in refuge

I call to you day and night oh Lord.
You hear your servant from afar.
I praise you because I am the crown of creation.
I offer sacrifices of praise on behalf of your great Name.

Oh Lord, you have heard my requests day and night.
You see the agony my heart holds with promises not yet seen.
Do not bring this heart to shame God.
I have heard your voice, I have seen your glory.
Your Word enhances the visions I have perceived.

Numerous times I have given you my desires,
And numerous times I have seen the fruit in them.
Your instruction brings encouragement as I see my desires grow more and more.
When I doubt your promise, you are quick to remind me.
When my heart is sick, you are quick to pick me up.
You have blessed me with wisdom beyond explanation.

Your love surrounds me and protects me.
I hear you rebuke my enemies, it gives me courage.
Your great name gives me strength to press on.  

My heart rejoices at your work, past present and future.
I do not perceive all the work you are doing, but I trust you are doing as you promised.

Lord God, do not put my heart to shame.
Do not forsake the promise your servant holds to.
At the rising sun, I will praise you.
At the end of the day, you are my true heart's desire.

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