Dear friends,
It has been a long time. I feel guilty that it has been so long since I have shared the glorious lessons and revelations that God has share with me.
My greatest blessing that has occured, is that my social identity has changed. I am no longer known as Kat Bell, but Kat Moyer. What a strange thing to think one day, my identity has changed. How people acknowledge me has changed. I talked with a few friends of mine yesterday, and we joked about how easy it was to call me Kat if it was one word. Now it is not as easy. Now we sometimes have to stop and think about who I am now. It isn't a long reflection for that one, but what about my identity in Christ?
Do people have to stop and think about my new identity, or is it so obvious that it just rolls off their tongues? Do I live as if I am Harold Moyer's wife, or do I live in a way that people have to stop and ask questions about it?
Am I living a life for Christ in a way that people have to stop and ask whether I am the bride of Christ? If so, I think it is time to step back and reflect on how I must live in my new identity and not just claim the name.
That is my challenge to not only myself, but also you my dear friends. It doesn't just stop with a one-time repentence. Our identity causes us to humble ourselves before God not just daily, but every moment. It makes us draw close to Him on a regular basis. It is stepping into a lower state so that God may lift us up. Our identity is not just a name change, but a life change...a heart change. Our priorities are different. Our desires are different. Our struggles are different. We stand out in the world because we live in a different identity. We will go against the flow, but we mustn't turn around and join it.
It is who we are.
I love you all, and I hope to write more in the near future.
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