I have started to go through the book of Romans. My mind is saying "Ok, here comes a crash course from Paul!" and my spirit goes "BRING IT ON" (Harold doesn't like me saying that very much in my prayers, so I've become more reserved with that) =D
Paul starts his letters with a very sincere greeting. Usually we read that and move on to the good stuff...but I stopped at verse 7:
"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."
And that's where I sat for my devotional time. Pondering those words. Paul chose those words for a reason. They weren't just cute words to be passed over. Paul doesn't really say things just to say them (although he's very good at saying many things very fast and very loaded with truth!)
Let me give you a peak at what went through my head and show you my journal entry:
Paul's greeting alone points to the Gospel before he even talks about the Gospel!
"Grace and peace" ~~~from who?
"God our Father and the LORD Jesus Christ." (emphasis added)
My interpretation of what Paul just said, "Hey! As you read this, I pray that you will receive grace and peace from God, only offered to those who see Him and have been adopted into his heavenly family so that you may call him FATHER and be assured of living eternally away from God's wrath. I believe that God is my authority figure whom I look up to, and Jesus is the reigning Lord who is alive, fully conquering of sin and death, and is my hero."
WOW that's a lot in just a "hello."
Does my greeting alone show the Gospel?
When we argue about Christmas cups, does it show the Gospel?
When we complain about standing in line for coffee, does it show the Gospel?
When we meet up with friends for lunch or a random visit, does it show the Gospel?
Are we drawing people into Christ, or pushing them away?
These are just some thoughts I had most recently. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and may your greetings be filling with the Good News of Christ!
"For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard." Acts 4:20. Until I go home, let me tell you what I am seeing and hearing.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Letters to My Daughter
When I graduated High School (or college...honestly I can't remember which graduation is was) my Mom gave me a very special gift. She wrote me a letter, expressing her thoughts and emotions of how proud she was of me. What touched me the most was she wrote this letter way back when I was just a toddler, and these thoughts were of her looking forward and imagining the woman I would become and dreaming of where God would take me on my journey as I developed into the woman I am now.
When I was single, I filled out a journal that I gave to my husband when we got married. I think I am going to take my Mother's idea and morph that into a journal (or series of letters) that I will one day give to my daughter. I would like to one day, give my daughter the gift of my words and memories as I watch her grow up and express how proud I am of her.
I won't blog all my thoughts about her, unless they encourage me in my walk toward God and allow me some sort of encouragement to all of you. However, this morning as Harold and I read Psalms together, he prayed for our daughter in the fact that God would give her wisdom and use her to teach the adults around her. God has already started answering that prayer within my heart, and I am excited to see how He answers that prayer and she continues to grow older.
Dear Moyer Baby (real name will be inserted here),
Hey baby girl, it's your Mom.
You don't see me yet, but I know you hear me. I'm sitting at my favorite coffee shop right now, in Waverly Iowa, waiting for your arrival at any time. Your due date was two days ago. You don't seem to be in a huge hurry to get out! I'm glad you are content where you are. You seem like it anyway with how little you fuss around in there. Sometimes, your feet poke and press, but you never really hurt me. You are very gentle to your Momma.
I was told that when you are really moving around and can't calm down, that you could very well be crying in there. I can't know for sure, but the thought of that makes me wish I could hold you more than just inside my womb. Your Daddy wishes he could hold you too. Don't get me wrong, it's precious to watch your Dad talk to you through my belly, but I long to see him talk to you face to face, and so does he.
We pray for you a lot baby, and we pray for wisdom for our own lives when you arrive. You are going to bring about such a huge change in our lives. Did you know your Momma REALLY likes to keep busy? She likes to move and work so much that if she collapses at the end of the day she is emotionally satisfied with how her day went. Friday, May 1st, was my last day of working full time for pay, and now I fill my time with tasks and other misc. things that could be done before you arrive. Your Momma has never done this before, and her life has never looked like this...where she will stay at home with you while Daddy goes to work and do his best to provide what we need.
Did you know you have an amazing Daddy? He likes to work too, and he is always looking for ways to provide for those he loves. Your dad is going through a time right now where his work schedule is cut in half. He only works every other week for a time being, but during those weeks where he isn't at work, God has provided other jobs for Harold to still make money for us. I pray you see this as you grow up; your Dad has an amazing heart and a very honorable character. He will do anything for you Baby, and he will do what he has to do for his family.
We aren't perfect, but we will do our best to give you what you need. You will not always agree with our choices, but I pray you will obey and respect us enough to trust us. We don't have all the answers, but as you lean on us for support we are leaning on God at the same time for support. Someday, you will lean on God on your own. We pray that we can show you how as you watch us.
I want to end this letter to you my dear, with your father's and my main prayer request for you.
This is a verse that you will be taught very young. It is probably the first verse any young child learns:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. ~~John 3:16
May you know the love of God and understand it young, Baby. May you believe and see how much we need Jesus to make us better people. And may you have the gift of eternal life and strive on your young journey the race that is set before you, running toward the writer and perfecter of our faith, Jesus.
We look forward to meeting you, Baby, and we hope to see you soon.
With much anticipated love,
Monday, March 30, 2015
Our Glory
1 Timothy 2:11-15
Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.
My pastor had used this passage to present a point during our Sunday School class this morning, and I personally felt very encouraged and agreeable to the viewpoint he suggested. (remember, I am a woman, and I know lots of women read this and immediately shut off because they take drastic offense to those first two verses. I think we forget the rest of this passage, which holds more weight in my opinion)
My pastor was using this as an example of a way that we read and study the Bible. This week, he presented on Custom vs Principle.
In a nutshell, from what I understood (and please, fellow Grace Baptist peers correct me if I am wrong), Custom was directed more toward culture and a certain point in time that we don't have to take as direct instruction for our lives today. Principle is set at us directly and something that we should continue to follow in our lives today.
In this passage, we had suggested that this is a principle, not a custom. Why? Well, let's look at the reasoning for the first two verses by looking at the next ones:
For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.
The reason falls on two orders that were established at the very beginning. First, there was the Creation order (man first, then woman). God had established this order from the start, and it is something that Paul is referring to as a reason for why we should follow the instruction in the first couple verses.
Second, there is what my pastor referred to as "Satan's
order" (woman first, then man). Satan took God's order, reversed it,
and used that to cause the Fall. Eve took the reigns and instructed Adam
what to do (Eve's fall). Adam became silent and went along with it
(Adam's fall).
I am NOT saying that woman is weaker than man. Neither is Paul, and neither is God. If God made an order that female was first and then male, we'd be instructed to obey it. God made everything AND IT WAS GOOD. It was perfect. Male first, to be the head, and female next in her individual glory and splendor which is different than male.
As a woman, I look at it in this aspect. Submission is not a demand, it is a choice. It is a principle that women are instructed to follow, but it should never be intended to be forced upon us.
If my husband, Harold, demanded I submit, I would probably retaliate or be full of bitterness toward him that the submission loses its glow. My pastor says this passage is directed toward men just as much (if not more) than women. It's easier for us women to submit if men are gentle and understanding to us. It's easier for men to be gentle and understanding if we submit.
Ladies, submission is beautiful. It's not meant to be demeaning, but we automatically translate it as such. When we submit to the authority of our men around us, we portray something much greater than if we wanted to prove female dominance. We portray the Trinity. We are equal, but different. Men are given different roles. Not because women can't do it, but because men are created to be better at it. Women are given different roles. Not because men can't do it, but because women are created to be better at it.
Harold and I are equal in marriage, but we are not the same. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that male and female are different beings. But these differences do not make a hierarchy. It makes a team of individuals that are set towards the same goal, working in the same direction, just taking on different tasks and roles to reach that goal more efficiently.
Let me ask you, would you ask a professional pianist to go out and repair your diesel truck? Unless it was their hobby that they put time in, of course you wouldn't! It isn't demeaning to the pianist to acknowledge that they aren't as capable in repairing the truck as they are playing Bach. This does not make the pianist any less of a person. Therefore, we as women should not read this and be offended as being thought of as less significant or demeaned as well.
There is one thing, ladies that we can do that men can't. Carry new life. Something Harold will never feel to the extent that I do is this little baby rolling and kicking around and reacting to what I do in the most intimate level possible. I cannot make life without Harold, but I get to carry and deeply experience this blessing (others would argue this to be a curse). Yes it is hard, tiring, and full of many sacrifices. There are moments when it is just plain miserable because you can't get cozy like you used to. BUT it is so worth it. My husband will never feel this connection with our little girl like I do. This is our gift. It is not what saves us from sin, rather, it is our glory.
Embrace your glory, and ladies, with a gentle and quiet spirit, lift up the men around you by letting them take the role that God has given them as we take our role in the splendor that was intended from the very beginning of time. Men, help make this easy on the ladies around you. We are not to be trampled on, but dealt with tenderly with much compassion.
I love you all.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Obedient Desire vs Lustful Desire
Tonight at my prayer group, I felt this lurking question as the group was praying out loud:
"If I (Jesus) were to walk through the door right now, what would your immediate response be?"
It caused me to evaluate my heart, and gave me these two forms of love that I wrestled between. There is a love that is obedient. You love because He first loved us. You love God because of who God is. You love God because you know what He did for you and you owe God more than you can ever offer Him. It is a love that was formed by a covenant, saying "Til death will I serve you." It is obedient, loyal, and sometimes the love we default to when we don't "feel" like loving God...at least it is for me.
So many people say that God isn't a feeling...and I'm one of them. God is not an emotional feeling that comes and goes. He is always there. It doesn't matter how far you feel from Him, He never moved. So this first kind of love, to me, is saying "I don't feel you close, but I trust you are there, so I will continue to give you my life as best as I can."
But you can't stay here...at least I can't. If you only love out of obedience, it isn't wrong...but shouldn't delighting in God be...a delight???
How many Psalms are there that you can just see the tears dripping on those pages through the words written? Tears of both anguish and joy? What emotion it took to write many of those Psalms. Worship is/was like that for me. It was a joy, and a time when I really "felt" connected with God. My heart was fully set on giving Him my all. It was a delight, not an obligation.
Don't get me wrong, I still love to worship...but has my love during worship changed? Is my heart being robbed of the richness of worship in some way? And if so, how? I want to keep giving God my heart in worship, but it seems so dry. It feels like a drought...one that you keep looking and looking but you aren't fully satisfied. You don't give up, you keep seeking because you know the promises say "Seek and you shall find."
I think (no, I know) each Christian goes through these cycles. I'm sure we've all questioned this, and it's healthy (and very appropriate) to go through both of these types of love for God. You don't tell a new believer that he/she won't struggle. You don't tell a new believer it's going to be easy and the feeling should always be there. Some days, you really have to fight for God. Some days, you have to pray for the desire to even desire God. Why do we need to pray this?
Because I cannot love God all on my own. Love is a passionate emotion that God delights in seeing from us, but He also delights in seeing us choose Him even if we don't feel like it. It feels dry, but I believe God is waiting to fill me with Bread if I keep going where I can smell it. If I know veggies are good for me, I'm going to eat them even if I don't really enjoy doing it every time. This act of obedience and discipline takes practice, and it takes someone reminding and coaching us to keep doing it.
I didn't marry Harold thinking that the feelings would last forever, but at the same time I don't expect to fully lose those feelings either. I know some days are just going to be a bigger stretch than others. I also know that Harold will appreciate me being obedient to him and submissive to him, but he will REALLY like to see me delighting in being around him rather than just doing it because I committed to doing so.
I guess this brings me back to my question at the start:
"If I (Jesus) were to walk through the door right now, what would your immediate response be?"
I confess, right now I would probably either stay in my chair and smile at him, or stand out of respect. I would not leap for joy and fall at the feet of my Savior. I would acknowledge him for who he is, but I don't think my entire being would be so captivated and engrossed in his presence that I would throw myself down without hesitation.
My friends, I don't like to write personally very often, but I trust that those who read this blog of mine care enough to be able to read the struggles as well as the good lessons that God blesses me with. I ask that you pray for this drought to be over soon, and if any of you feel like you are going through a drought where you feel like you keep seeking but you just aren't finding the eternal Well, I ask that you cry out for prayer as well.
I assure you it's there, and it's worth it to keep seeking refreshment that only God provides. I know the goodness that's coming, and I don't want to give up just because I don't "feel" like I'm loving Him right. I know I'm loving as I should, but I also know that God would like to see me enjoy it more. He doesn't want me to miss out on the richness of knowing Him, nor does He want you to miss out of that either.
Seek the Living Water, and ask for support and prayer if you feel your droughts carry too long.
Remember, I love you all. Thanks for reading and caring enough to pray for me in advance.
"If I (Jesus) were to walk through the door right now, what would your immediate response be?"
It caused me to evaluate my heart, and gave me these two forms of love that I wrestled between. There is a love that is obedient. You love because He first loved us. You love God because of who God is. You love God because you know what He did for you and you owe God more than you can ever offer Him. It is a love that was formed by a covenant, saying "Til death will I serve you." It is obedient, loyal, and sometimes the love we default to when we don't "feel" like loving God...at least it is for me.
So many people say that God isn't a feeling...and I'm one of them. God is not an emotional feeling that comes and goes. He is always there. It doesn't matter how far you feel from Him, He never moved. So this first kind of love, to me, is saying "I don't feel you close, but I trust you are there, so I will continue to give you my life as best as I can."
But you can't stay here...at least I can't. If you only love out of obedience, it isn't wrong...but shouldn't delighting in God be...a delight???
How many Psalms are there that you can just see the tears dripping on those pages through the words written? Tears of both anguish and joy? What emotion it took to write many of those Psalms. Worship is/was like that for me. It was a joy, and a time when I really "felt" connected with God. My heart was fully set on giving Him my all. It was a delight, not an obligation.
Don't get me wrong, I still love to worship...but has my love during worship changed? Is my heart being robbed of the richness of worship in some way? And if so, how? I want to keep giving God my heart in worship, but it seems so dry. It feels like a drought...one that you keep looking and looking but you aren't fully satisfied. You don't give up, you keep seeking because you know the promises say "Seek and you shall find."
I think (no, I know) each Christian goes through these cycles. I'm sure we've all questioned this, and it's healthy (and very appropriate) to go through both of these types of love for God. You don't tell a new believer that he/she won't struggle. You don't tell a new believer it's going to be easy and the feeling should always be there. Some days, you really have to fight for God. Some days, you have to pray for the desire to even desire God. Why do we need to pray this?
Because I cannot love God all on my own. Love is a passionate emotion that God delights in seeing from us, but He also delights in seeing us choose Him even if we don't feel like it. It feels dry, but I believe God is waiting to fill me with Bread if I keep going where I can smell it. If I know veggies are good for me, I'm going to eat them even if I don't really enjoy doing it every time. This act of obedience and discipline takes practice, and it takes someone reminding and coaching us to keep doing it.
I didn't marry Harold thinking that the feelings would last forever, but at the same time I don't expect to fully lose those feelings either. I know some days are just going to be a bigger stretch than others. I also know that Harold will appreciate me being obedient to him and submissive to him, but he will REALLY like to see me delighting in being around him rather than just doing it because I committed to doing so.
I guess this brings me back to my question at the start:
"If I (Jesus) were to walk through the door right now, what would your immediate response be?"
I confess, right now I would probably either stay in my chair and smile at him, or stand out of respect. I would not leap for joy and fall at the feet of my Savior. I would acknowledge him for who he is, but I don't think my entire being would be so captivated and engrossed in his presence that I would throw myself down without hesitation.
My friends, I don't like to write personally very often, but I trust that those who read this blog of mine care enough to be able to read the struggles as well as the good lessons that God blesses me with. I ask that you pray for this drought to be over soon, and if any of you feel like you are going through a drought where you feel like you keep seeking but you just aren't finding the eternal Well, I ask that you cry out for prayer as well.
I assure you it's there, and it's worth it to keep seeking refreshment that only God provides. I know the goodness that's coming, and I don't want to give up just because I don't "feel" like I'm loving Him right. I know I'm loving as I should, but I also know that God would like to see me enjoy it more. He doesn't want me to miss out on the richness of knowing Him, nor does He want you to miss out of that either.
Seek the Living Water, and ask for support and prayer if you feel your droughts carry too long.
Remember, I love you all. Thanks for reading and caring enough to pray for me in advance.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Simple Pleasures
This weekend, my husband and I decided to go to visit my folks in NW Iowa for a change of pace. We had a free weekend without any obligations, so we decided that while I was still able to travel comfortably, we'd take a mini vacation for the weekend.
Right now, I'm sitting here after a nice relaxing day without any set plans. In fact, when we made plans to watch a movie and order pizza, my little brother called and said that his evening plans opened up and we got it worked out to meet him and his fiance in Sioux City for supper. Before that, the only plan I had in my mind while I was home was to soak in a warm bath and just sit.
It's funny to stop and think about those little things that bring you peace, your little pieces of indulgence. For me sometimes, it's a warm beverage on a cold day. Other times, it's a sunset...or maybe a thunderstorm. Maybe just the sound of rain is calming enough for me on a tough day.
Then I got to thinking, those little joys in life aren't as freely provided for other people. For many, just being able to have running water is a blessing, let alone warm water that can smell like fruity flowers.
For other people that work a different shift than myself, maybe a sunrise or sunset isn't so easily captured. Maybe life is too hectic at home that some people can't just sit down with a beverage and chill. I think of those people, and I wonder how much MORE they enjoy those simple pleasures when it can actually happen.
I take too much for granted, and I don't even realize how blessed I really am. Sure, there can always be more to acquire, more to gain. You can always set the bar of expectations higher.
But why not indulge in the now? I heard a quote from a C.S. Lewis book that said something along the lines of the Present is the place in time where Eternity touches. The now is where we need to be. Not anticipating the next best thing, and not being discontent with where you aren't at yet. By living in the Now, we allow ourselves to indulge in what God gives us with pleasure and delight. We can't experience this if we are looking behind us or before us constantly.
If I am able to take a warm bath and soak, I'm going to enjoy it now and thank God that I have warm water to relax my achy muscles. Those simple little joys in life are more than just simple joys. They are gifts from God that He gives us now. They are chances that I get to sit back and thank Him for how good He is and how I am blessed to have these little pleasures fulfilled.
Don't be caught looking to the next best thing in life so often that you forget how good you have it now. Embrace the gift of Now that you have. Let God bless you with the little things He gives, and let your heart take full delight in those gifts as you delight more in the One who gives good things to those that love Him. Whatever your simple pleasures are now, no matter how little they may be, enjoy them to the fullest. If this is hard for you, then pray that God can show and teach you to be content no matter your circumstances so that you can find delight where you are with what you have.
Let your hearts find peaceful rest in the Now. I love you all.
Right now, I'm sitting here after a nice relaxing day without any set plans. In fact, when we made plans to watch a movie and order pizza, my little brother called and said that his evening plans opened up and we got it worked out to meet him and his fiance in Sioux City for supper. Before that, the only plan I had in my mind while I was home was to soak in a warm bath and just sit.
It's funny to stop and think about those little things that bring you peace, your little pieces of indulgence. For me sometimes, it's a warm beverage on a cold day. Other times, it's a sunset...or maybe a thunderstorm. Maybe just the sound of rain is calming enough for me on a tough day.
Then I got to thinking, those little joys in life aren't as freely provided for other people. For many, just being able to have running water is a blessing, let alone warm water that can smell like fruity flowers.
For other people that work a different shift than myself, maybe a sunrise or sunset isn't so easily captured. Maybe life is too hectic at home that some people can't just sit down with a beverage and chill. I think of those people, and I wonder how much MORE they enjoy those simple pleasures when it can actually happen.
I take too much for granted, and I don't even realize how blessed I really am. Sure, there can always be more to acquire, more to gain. You can always set the bar of expectations higher.
But why not indulge in the now? I heard a quote from a C.S. Lewis book that said something along the lines of the Present is the place in time where Eternity touches. The now is where we need to be. Not anticipating the next best thing, and not being discontent with where you aren't at yet. By living in the Now, we allow ourselves to indulge in what God gives us with pleasure and delight. We can't experience this if we are looking behind us or before us constantly.
If I am able to take a warm bath and soak, I'm going to enjoy it now and thank God that I have warm water to relax my achy muscles. Those simple little joys in life are more than just simple joys. They are gifts from God that He gives us now. They are chances that I get to sit back and thank Him for how good He is and how I am blessed to have these little pleasures fulfilled.
Don't be caught looking to the next best thing in life so often that you forget how good you have it now. Embrace the gift of Now that you have. Let God bless you with the little things He gives, and let your heart take full delight in those gifts as you delight more in the One who gives good things to those that love Him. Whatever your simple pleasures are now, no matter how little they may be, enjoy them to the fullest. If this is hard for you, then pray that God can show and teach you to be content no matter your circumstances so that you can find delight where you are with what you have.
Let your hearts find peaceful rest in the Now. I love you all.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Pre-Mommy Reflections
I got the day off today! For the longest time I have desired to write on here, but time and efforts have failed me as my priorities seem to have changed a lot since I got married. I have missed the chances to write.
Also, a dear friend was chatting with me this morning and he said he missed my posts. That encouraged me more to post today, and hopefully find a time to make this a habit again. Thanks Carl! I'm glad God used my words to touch you in the past!
For those of you that haven't noticed, I'm TERRIBLE at social media. Partially because I choose to not spread my life story all over Facebook...but I think I overlooked a major event in my life that I have failed to share with friends and family that aren't so close to me. Just recently I've announced over social media that my husband Harold and I are expecting our first child come beginning of May (or end of April, depending on how anxious the little one is to meet everyone!) We are both anxious to meet her, but I have to admit...I wasn't at first.
I had my own plans: be married and enjoy life with just Harold for at least a year...the longer the better. Kids could wait. I didn't want to be a mom yet, and I didn't want to share my time with anyone else other than Harold when I married him. God had other plans. 3 months later, we got our amazing news that God was blessing us with our first. I was not excited. I felt like a toddler that would throw herself down on the floor and pitch the biggest fit in front of my Heavenly Father. I knew there was nothing I could do, and God was going to give me a child whether I liked it or not. To be where I am now is truly an act of God's work on my heart, to soften it and show me the blessings of what was coming my way. He really gave me peace beyond measure and a heart that not only accepts this sudden turn in life, but one that wants to embrace her in my arms and love her til the day I die.
Honestly, God has opened my eyes to a new perspective of life throughout this pregnancy. Right now I can feel this little girl (or boy) kicking around and moving. She likes to tell Daddy that she's listening when he talks to her. (or she's saying "give me more room Daddy it's cramped in here!) When I exercise, she likes to move with me occasionally. When I worship and am sitting in my young adult group at church, I can really tell that she's there. I pray that God is already planting in her heart a desire for Him as she is hearing the worship and discussions around us.
What I'm most intrigued with, is the fact that she will know my voice above all else, because whenever I speak, she hears me. When I sing, she knows I'm there. I can't sing to her yet. I've tried, and it only comes out with tears because I'm so overwhelmed. I've loved to the point of tears, but not this much for one person. (yes, she is a person). This little one is special. She is mine. She is being formed in my womb, fearfully and wonderfully made inside of me. (I can't help but tear up even now) The chapters of her life are already written. I can trust she is in Good hands. Not mine, but God's
How easy it is to see the intricate design of God at this moment. To look at an ultrasound and see those little feet kicking. Those feet were once yours and mine. We were once that small in our mother's womb, and we were considered cherished to the point of tears as well. That never changed. We still are that cherished. Our parents should never stop loving us, but how much more will love lavish us from our Heavenly Father! We know that love endures forever. How He made you was never a mistake. He spent 9 months (roughly) putting you together, giving you nourishment from your Mom, preparing you for life outside. He took His time forming each cell in the right place. He picked which features you were going to get from either parent and put them together at a special point in time to create you as you are now. Whether your parents tried or not, God made you and put everything together so you would be here today.
We grow up and take for granted how God still delights in us. We don't grow out of that stage. If you know Jesus as your Savior, you are a cherished child of God. God desires for none of us to perish, but as a just God, He cannot have sin in His presence. Out of love and justice, He sent Jesus to die for you so that you can be His treasured possession in His presence someday. If you don't know Jesus and haven't asked Jesus to change your life, I urge you to do so. My prayers for my little child are that she (he) will be transformed at a young age and have a heart to seek after God. My prayers for you are the same.
There is so much more I could write, but I'd better let my heart rest with that.
I love you all.
Also, a dear friend was chatting with me this morning and he said he missed my posts. That encouraged me more to post today, and hopefully find a time to make this a habit again. Thanks Carl! I'm glad God used my words to touch you in the past!
For those of you that haven't noticed, I'm TERRIBLE at social media. Partially because I choose to not spread my life story all over Facebook...but I think I overlooked a major event in my life that I have failed to share with friends and family that aren't so close to me. Just recently I've announced over social media that my husband Harold and I are expecting our first child come beginning of May (or end of April, depending on how anxious the little one is to meet everyone!) We are both anxious to meet her, but I have to admit...I wasn't at first.
I had my own plans: be married and enjoy life with just Harold for at least a year...the longer the better. Kids could wait. I didn't want to be a mom yet, and I didn't want to share my time with anyone else other than Harold when I married him. God had other plans. 3 months later, we got our amazing news that God was blessing us with our first. I was not excited. I felt like a toddler that would throw herself down on the floor and pitch the biggest fit in front of my Heavenly Father. I knew there was nothing I could do, and God was going to give me a child whether I liked it or not. To be where I am now is truly an act of God's work on my heart, to soften it and show me the blessings of what was coming my way. He really gave me peace beyond measure and a heart that not only accepts this sudden turn in life, but one that wants to embrace her in my arms and love her til the day I die.
Honestly, God has opened my eyes to a new perspective of life throughout this pregnancy. Right now I can feel this little girl (or boy) kicking around and moving. She likes to tell Daddy that she's listening when he talks to her. (or she's saying "give me more room Daddy it's cramped in here!) When I exercise, she likes to move with me occasionally. When I worship and am sitting in my young adult group at church, I can really tell that she's there. I pray that God is already planting in her heart a desire for Him as she is hearing the worship and discussions around us.
What I'm most intrigued with, is the fact that she will know my voice above all else, because whenever I speak, she hears me. When I sing, she knows I'm there. I can't sing to her yet. I've tried, and it only comes out with tears because I'm so overwhelmed. I've loved to the point of tears, but not this much for one person. (yes, she is a person). This little one is special. She is mine. She is being formed in my womb, fearfully and wonderfully made inside of me. (I can't help but tear up even now) The chapters of her life are already written. I can trust she is in Good hands. Not mine, but God's
How easy it is to see the intricate design of God at this moment. To look at an ultrasound and see those little feet kicking. Those feet were once yours and mine. We were once that small in our mother's womb, and we were considered cherished to the point of tears as well. That never changed. We still are that cherished. Our parents should never stop loving us, but how much more will love lavish us from our Heavenly Father! We know that love endures forever. How He made you was never a mistake. He spent 9 months (roughly) putting you together, giving you nourishment from your Mom, preparing you for life outside. He took His time forming each cell in the right place. He picked which features you were going to get from either parent and put them together at a special point in time to create you as you are now. Whether your parents tried or not, God made you and put everything together so you would be here today.
We grow up and take for granted how God still delights in us. We don't grow out of that stage. If you know Jesus as your Savior, you are a cherished child of God. God desires for none of us to perish, but as a just God, He cannot have sin in His presence. Out of love and justice, He sent Jesus to die for you so that you can be His treasured possession in His presence someday. If you don't know Jesus and haven't asked Jesus to change your life, I urge you to do so. My prayers for my little child are that she (he) will be transformed at a young age and have a heart to seek after God. My prayers for you are the same.
There is so much more I could write, but I'd better let my heart rest with that.
I love you all.
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