This weekend, my husband and I decided to go to visit my folks in NW Iowa for a change of pace. We had a free weekend without any obligations, so we decided that while I was still able to travel comfortably, we'd take a mini vacation for the weekend.
Right now, I'm sitting here after a nice relaxing day without any set plans. In fact, when we made plans to watch a movie and order pizza, my little brother called and said that his evening plans opened up and we got it worked out to meet him and his fiance in Sioux City for supper. Before that, the only plan I had in my mind while I was home was to soak in a warm bath and just sit.
It's funny to stop and think about those little things that bring you peace, your little pieces of indulgence. For me sometimes, it's a warm beverage on a cold day. Other times, it's a sunset...or maybe a thunderstorm. Maybe just the sound of rain is calming enough for me on a tough day.
Then I got to thinking, those little joys in life aren't as freely provided for other people. For many, just being able to have running water is a blessing, let alone warm water that can smell like fruity flowers.
For other people that work a different shift than myself, maybe a sunrise or sunset isn't so easily captured. Maybe life is too hectic at home that some people can't just sit down with a beverage and chill. I think of those people, and I wonder how much MORE they enjoy those simple pleasures when it can actually happen.
I take too much for granted, and I don't even realize how blessed I really am. Sure, there can always be more to acquire, more to gain. You can always set the bar of expectations higher.
But why not indulge in the now? I heard a quote from a C.S. Lewis book that said something along the lines of the Present is the place in time where Eternity touches. The now is where we need to be. Not anticipating the next best thing, and not being discontent with where you aren't at yet. By living in the Now, we allow ourselves to indulge in what God gives us with pleasure and delight. We can't experience this if we are looking behind us or before us constantly.
If I am able to take a warm bath and soak, I'm going to enjoy it now and thank God that I have warm water to relax my achy muscles. Those simple little joys in life are more than just simple joys. They are gifts from God that He gives us now. They are chances that I get to sit back and thank Him for how good He is and how I am blessed to have these little pleasures fulfilled.
Don't be caught looking to the next best thing in life so often that you forget how good you have it now. Embrace the gift of Now that you have. Let God bless you with the little things He gives, and let your heart take full delight in those gifts as you delight more in the One who gives good things to those that love Him. Whatever your simple pleasures are now, no matter how little they may be, enjoy them to the fullest. If this is hard for you, then pray that God can show and teach you to be content no matter your circumstances so that you can find delight where you are with what you have.
Let your hearts find peaceful rest in the Now. I love you all.
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