Sunday, January 27, 2013

Laborers for the Harvest

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.  And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and ever affliction.”   
~Matt. 9:37-10:1~

Do you realize how many people around you are lost?  They may seem like they have it all together, but deep down to the core they are seeking something.  They are searching, finding answers to their existence.  Some find it, and walk the narrow path.  Others bounce around from path to path to find what truly satisfies them.  

Many keep bouncing, waiting for their answers. 

The world is full of these people, ready to hear the Gospel.  Knowing that something is out there, but they don’t know who, what, where, or how. 
That’s where you come in.

Early in Jesus ministry, he acknowledges that there aren’t enough people “working the fields.”  Now granted, he didn’t even call his disciples yet, or had just done so.  The workers were truly few….but how much more does this apply to us today! 

I am so encouraged to pray this prayer and see the workers being developed.  It is so neat to see what kind of workers there are in the world.  

Some yield the tool of mercy, showing the enormous amount of love toward those that have much less in life. 

Some yield the tool of service, giving their time and energy to be selfless and reach as many as they can through the outreach. 

Some yield the tool of teaching, spreading knowledge and insight on the Word.

Whatever your tool is, you are being used in the Lord’s harvest.  But like many tools, you don’t leave it stored in a shed during the most valuable part of the season.  You use it.  You don’t pray for workers and then wait to see what God does.  Let’s follow Jesus’ example:

He acknowledged the need for workers, and then he called his disciples and gave them authority in the ministry.  He sought out workers.  Jesus knew God would provide the workers, so he went looking for them.  He called them.  We are called to pray for workers, but then to seek them out and work in the harvest. 

Don’t sit idle.  Trust God by doing something about it today.  

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