Friday, January 18, 2013

Take Heart

It has been a while since I’ve been able to sit and write on this blog.  I am hoping to not wait as long for the next times.  

As I go through Matthew in my quiet times, I recently came across a familiar phrase that the ESV translation uses in Chapter 9: Take heart.

Many of you have heard me discuss this, and most of you have rolled your eyes and offered your input on the situation.  I had wanted to get a tattoo to represent this very thing.  It is inspired by John 16:33 when Jesus says “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart!  I have overcome the world.” 

This verse has spoken huge messages to me, and the words “take heart” has been my motto while I work at the nursing home, pray over hard issues in my life, and struggle to find the right words to say to a friend that is needing some guidance in my days.  

So, when reading in Matthew 9 where I see Jesus saying “take heart” my attention magnifies. 
Verse 2, in speaking to a paralytic, “Take heart, my son; your sins are forgiven.”
Verse 22, in speaking to the bleeding woman, “Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well.”

Take heart…It signifies a turning point in our emotions.  We sit in a pile of doubt, or fears, or struggles and feel suffocated by the waves of reality.  Take heart…it’s time to get out of it.   Take heart, let me show you the light and hidden truths to hold on to in your moments of despair: 

Your child is sick, but take heart! I am the great physician.
Your loved one is dead, but take heart! I have been and am still there.
Your father is never a part of your life, but take heart!  You are my child forever.
Your life is full of consuming sins, but take heart!  I have overcome them all. 
Your reflection of your appearance does not satisfy you, but take heart!  I delight over you with singing. 

Take heart…where in your lives do you need to hear God say “Take heart?”   Many times these are hidden blessings within the muck of life.  It’s easy to sit and look at the surface of our world, but if you dig deep beneath the surface and see the treasure hidden under it all, sometimes it’s in the form of a “take heart.”  A change in heart.  An uplifting truth to bring us closer to God. 

Satan doesn’t want us to find these “take heart” moments.  He will try to keep us in those waves that distract us and tear us down, but it’s through the grace of God and power in the Holy Spirit that we stand a chance against those forces. 

A good friend of mine had quickly departed on a rigorous and physically draining trip for a few months, but before he left I texted him a verse that I felt led to share with him: 
Isaiah 40:28-29
“Have you not known?  Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.  He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable.  He gives power to the faint, and to him who has not might he increases strength.  Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”  

His response to the verse I have kept on my phone because it is a great reminder for me, and I am sure he wouldn’t mind me sharing it with you all, “Thank you, for me the verse will be manifested physically.  For you spiritually, remember we are engaged in war at all times.”  

What wise truth.  We are constantly fighting, constantly wrestling with our flesh.  Some days we really have to push ourselves to love and praise God.  We really have a heavy load that keeps us from seeing the beauty of Christ.  But take heart…I have overcome the world. 

Our fighting is not in vain, and even though we appear to lose at times, God comes to wipe away the competition.  How awesome to have that on our side!  For those that love God, we have that hope.  We can look Satan in the face and remind him of his fate, because we are not part of that!  We are on the stomping side that will live in eternity with Jesus. 

So friends, take heart.  God is there.  Jesus has won, and the Holy Spirit as our guide will get us through it towards victory.  

As always, my brothers and sisters, I love you all. 

~Philippians 1:3-11~

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