Saturday, July 23, 2011

Biblical Directions

Matthew 9:27-30
"As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed him, calling out, 'Have mercy on us, Son of David!'  When he had gone indoors, the blind men came to him, and asked them, 'Do you believe that I am able to do this?' 'Yes, Lord,' they replied.  Then he touched their eyes and said, 'According to your faith will it be done to you'; and their sight was restored..."

What did it take for these blind men to be healed?  What does that mean for you in your lives?  How powerful does faith appear to be?

Matthew 6:24
"No one can serve two masters.  Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.  You cannot serve both God and Money." 

What is the main message of this verse?  Pretend money isn't what is being addressed here...what is the other "master" that you are putting in place of God?  What do you have to do to make God your only master in your life?

Luke 18:22-23
"When Jesus heard this, he said to him, 'You still lack one thing.  Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.  Then come, follow me.'  When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was a man of great wealth."

Following Jesus and serving God isn't supposed to be easy.  What does this say about the importance of God in your life?  How does this verse co-relate with the previous verse?

Acts 2:42
"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer."

What should we be devoting ourselves to?  Keeping the context of this list, what do these turn into in our lives?

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