Saturday, July 23, 2011

Lost in the Clouds

Two posts in one day...I just felt like I wanted to have a random post of what goes through my mind when I stare at the sky.  (This brought about the change in blog title)

Clouds are so cool.  We try to paint them, draw them, recreate them in some way down here with our own hands...but nothing beats the reality that comes from those clouds.  They change in shape as they travel along the clear, pure sky behind them.  They carry water that either results in shade from the sun, or a horrific thunderstorm.  Sometimes it's hard to see what shapes the clouds make, and other times it has a clear resemblance of something we can relate to (like a bunny or dragon). 

I love the clouds during a sunset or sunrise.  It's really awesome to see the lower clouds have a different reflection of the sunrise than the clouds further up...resulting in deeper and contrasting colors.   And there are so many kinds of clouds for that matter!  The clouds that are highest in the sky, Cirrus clouds, are ones that are the lightest, most faded looking clouds, where as the clouds that are closest to the ground produce the dangerous, destructive storms we see. 

Why do I rant about the clouds?  If I could do nothing but lay down and stare up at the sky all day, I would be content.  Cheapest entertainment for me.  But really...what is it about the clouds that really get to me?  Why do I stop and stare every time there is a clear sky?  Why does something so frequent happen to be something so breath-taking each time I look up? 

As I said earlier, clouds are something we cannot recreate.  We try, but it's not the 'real thing.'  I had said to myself earlier "Get your head out of the clouds and focus on your works down here that God has shown you."  Then I realized...I can't!  My head is forever in the clouds...but not with dreams and fantasies. 

It's in the clouds because I know what lies behind those clouds.  I know who made those clouds, and they were made for me.  They were made to catch my attention and remind me that my true home is beyond those clouds.  I am fascinated at what comes out of them because I know it's something we cannot recreate.  It really makes me long for the day I can see my true home...on the other side of those clouds. 

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