Proverbs 12:11- "He who works his land will have abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment."
God has put things in my life that I need to work on, or things that I know I can and should do something about. He is calling me to do these things in my life rather than dream and focus on the fantasies that either won't ever happen or aren't supposed to happen now. Either way, these fantasies are things that I can't do anything about. So, the obvious thing is to do what I have to work on now right? Right. It's not easy, but it's true. What things are you fantasizing about that's keeping you from the works God is calling you to do now?
Understand this in your pondering, then I will close my blog (I know! It's super short!!)
Proverbs 13:12- "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life."
God's timing will fulfill those fantasies and hopes that we can't do anything about...and the more you ponder and pray for these fantasies the sicker our hearts are and heavy we feel because we aren't seeing progress that we hope to see. So, my message from personal experience and revelations in my Bible studies is to focus on what God is putting before you now. If you can see a plot for you to follow, do it. If not, God hasn't called you to do anything yet. The door isn't shut, but he has a sign that says "Wet floor, keep out." That sign will come down, but it won't until the floor is ready for me to walk fantasy won't happen until God's ready for me to enter into it so it becomes reality.
Be patient, and focus on what you are supposed to be working on. Get your head out of the clouds, and keep your fantasies up there for God to take care of.
...and we get rid of fantasies by taking every thought captive and holding them obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5