Saturday, May 18, 2013

What Are We Missing?

Remember that phrase?  "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger?"  I used to believe that...then I heard a sermon from Ed Moore that gave me a new perspective.  As many of you know, I dive into the book of Ruth a lot...I find lots of information from Ruth because I see a lot of good quality characteristics in Ruth that I ask God to show me.  I see correlations between Ruth and Boaz, and me and Jesus.  I always find something everytime I come back. 

I will say quickly however, that I read and study other books as well.  Don't just focus on one book to give you all the answers.  I just happen to really like reading and studying Ruth more frequently.  In 4 chapters, I find a lot. 

Near the end of the first chapter, we see Naomi and Ruth conversing.  As I listened to the sermon, I was blown away by how much was taken out of the last 4 verses....but I want to make one point to you that convicted me, and I hope it opens your eyes a little as well. 

Naomi was not at all worried about the spiritual condition of Ruth because she was so engrossed in her own loss.  We don't lose a husband and two kids on a regular basis, but what other little things consume us and bring our attitudes to an aggressive flare? 

"UGH!! I overslept again!!" 

"My kids just WON'T leave me alone!" 

"My car won't start...this is the second time this week!"  

"Another stop light??  Man I'll be late for sure!" 

"I lost my phone!"

"I'm so lonely..." 

The list can go on and on. 

No matter what the issue is, it can easily consume us.  It can make us bitter very easily. 

What made Naomi bitter?  I got some ideas that Ed mentioned in his sermon:
-She wasn't close to God in Moab
-She only saw her loss when she looked at Ruth
-She didn't understand the character of God
-She felt that she deserved more

How easy these 4 things relate to us.  Take a struggling single for example.  If I didin't rely on God, I'd fall into all 4 of these points.  If I'm not close to God, I'm not seeking Him and desiring His will above my own.  If I only see the pain in the singleness, I miss the blessing I have.  If I didn't understand God's character, I would feel like He was distant and withholding from me.  If I believed I deserved a husband, I would be upset every time I realize I don't have one. 

I don't deserve anything except Hell. 

Being on earth is a step above Hell, so no matter what happens here, we already are getting better than what we deserve.  I need to stop feeling that I deserve more and start enjoying more of what I do have.  I need to stop feeling bitter toward those that have what I want.  I am like Naomi too much, in that I have only seen my pain in other's rather than blessings.

Are we missing opportunies because of our bitterness?  I know I have.  I know I am. 

Friends, if we are focused on the world and material to get us what we want, we will always end up unsatisfied and empty.  We will always feel dissappointed.  If we feel we deserve the things that have been given to us, we will appear rude, bitter, and ungrateful when we don't have these things in our possessions.  When trials do come, we will heat up the room with our attitude.  We won't be stronger, we will be bitter. 

If we aren't concerned with spiritual, we will end up bitter.  Naomi was not concerned about spirituality in this first chapter.  She left Bethlehem with her husband because of a famine.  She returned back because Bethlehem was out of the famine.  Naomi's example is not one to follow.  Her attitude missed the point...she already sent her other daughter-in-law home.  She missed the opportunity to evangelise to Orpah.  If Ruth wasn't so set in following Naomi, Ruth would have stayed lost as well.

Who are we sending away in bitterness, and how can you find joy in all circumstances?  I pray that we can leave all bitterness aside and find a humble spirit in all things, knowing what we do deserve and being thankful that it isn't part of our fate anymore!   Praise the LORD!! 

I love you all friends.  Thank you for reading.  I hope it touched you today. 

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