Thursday, October 27, 2011

When My Words are Absent

I love when I don't have a plan to blog...but feel led to anyway.  Let's see what the Spirit moves my fingers to type:

Philippians 4:12-13
"I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound.  In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.  I can do all things through him who gives me strength."

John 5:30
"By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me."

No matter what, Paul says that the true secret to satisfaction in any circumstance is to seek God who gives us the true strength.  In the gospel of John, Jesus speaks how even him alone cannot do anything alone.  It emphasizes to me how connected the Trinity really is...without all three characters of God, Jesus wouldn't be able to do anything.  The latter part of John 5:30 really hit me tonight..."my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me."

Oh how sinful we are!  Our motives are so corrupt, and initially we pray and work for our own gain.  We work for the good that will come in our lives.  We pray and ask for blessings because it helps us.  How pure our hearts would be if we'd get out of the picture.  How clear and sound our judgments would be! 

I have been opening to new ways for me to approach God.  I love the levels of prayer we can have.  Jesus calls us to be in a personal relationship with him, and as his beloved I love the idea of having "Jesus dates."  I'd walk around town and find a place where it's just me and him.  I have a casual conversation with Jesus, thanking him for showing me the things that take my breath away.

Then, there are the times when I need more divine intervention.  When I need to not approach God as my lover, but as the King of kings.  The only one that can fulfill my requests.  I need to humble before the Creator of the world, assume my prayer posture, adore Him as the powerful being He is, and bring my desperate requests before Him.

There is one request I had been praying for almost a year now.  God encourages me to be persistent, so I am.  But my prayers have been changing attitudes.  Each time, I notice God showing me another way to pray.  Another part of me that needs to change.  Finally, God just says "Are you asking for your own gain or my gain?  What are you willing to give up for me with this?  How will this glorify my kingdom instead of your selfish desires?" 

To tell you the truth, I have been given answers in this as well, so I can keep praying persistently.  It's interesting how I don't hear "No" from God, but rather I hear "Let me show you more and change you so this can happen for you."  Even people around me haven't affirmed "No" from God.  I pray my heart is prepared in case, and that my love for God is so amazing that I am not even devastated when my prayers aren't answered like I'd hoped. 

Moral of the story...purify your hearts.  Through God's strength can we get through any circumstance, and through God's strength can we have sound judgment and pure hearts when we approach God's throne.  May your prayers and hearts reflect that of the tax collector and not the Pharisee (Luke 18:10-14). 

When you don't have your answer yet, don't give up.  Instead, love what God is doing for you now and embrace the waiting game...He's making you perfect so you may enjoy His answered prayer to the fullest. 

"God, have mercy on me, a sinner." 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Our Callings

This weekend has been so spiritually uplifting.  Oh my goodness...God is amazing!  I got the opportunity to help minister as a volunteer at the Mark Schultz concert in Cedar Falls last night.  As I expected, I was a blubbering mess, crying at every other song.  But I was also yearning inside to do something throughout the whole concert: pray.  I felt led to pray for hearts at that concert.  I prayed for Mark's ministry with us, I prayed for the opening bands.  I prayed for the starving children and individuals that were led to sponsor a child.  I prayed and worshiped all night. 

In our Bible study tonight, we looked at Acts 6.  As short as it is, there was something that really stuck out to me.  Something I want to hold on to: 

Verses 1-6=A need to serve the widows arose.  The 12 apostles met with all the disciples and said "It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables...We will turn this responsibility over to them (7 other men) and give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word." 

Lazy selfish apostles!  Man...putting the dirty work on others so they don't have to do it...wait...

In the passage, it shows that we are all called to do something in this present time.  The apostles saw that they were called to "give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word."  Does that mean that they were being selfish and sinful to pass those duties to someone else?  Not at all!  In fact, if we said yes to everything people asked us to do, we'd be neglecting the true calling(s) that God has for us.  We'd be BUSY (being under Satan's yolk). 

This also shows a demonstration of our body in Christ.  We all serve the same God, but in different areas.  For me, I am used more with worship and prayer right now.  I feel I am being called to be involved in supportive roles, to uplift those that are leading or hurting.  To be passive aggressive.  To be aggressively supportive to those around me. 

Tonight, my group prayed after studying chapter 6.  We lifted up prayer after prayer, then we went on a prayer walk and prayed for the community...and I felt such a peace.  I felt God's Spirit stirring with requests that came to my heart.  I couldn't keep silent...but when I did I felt God's presence even more. 

God is teaching me how to pray.  Today's sermon was from Ecclesiastes 5:1-7.  Verses 1-3 told me "Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God.  God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few."  I have had this terrible habit of elongating prayers...even normal conversation and blogging.  I was shown and convicted of how repetitive I can get. 

Verse 7 says "Much dreaming and many words are meaningless.  Therefore stand in awe of God." 

I am being called to support.  I am being told to aggressively pray for those around me.  Pray with few words...let my ears be pierced and dug out so I can really hear God.  Encourage others that are more active in the field...lift them up and nourish them through prayer and music. 

You may have heard a calling, but won't step up to it.  You may be afraid of it, or neglectful by saying "I promise I will do it...tomorrow." 
Ecclesiastes 5:4-6 "When you make a vow to God, do not delay in fulfilling it.  He has no pleasure in fools; fulfill your vow.  It is better not to vow than to make a vow and not fulfill it." 
What vows have you made before God?  To those around you?  Have you vowed to obey your calling?  To step out in boldness?  Are you being distracted or discouraged in your own power to do it?  I vowed to start up this prayer meeting soon...but neglected it.  No more waiting.  God is calling me and others around me to meet in prayer.  What are you waiting for....what have you got to lose? 

Fulfill your vows and accept your callings as they come to you today...not tomorrow. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Who Am I??

I was convinced that I needed to not only rethink myself, but blog about why I had to.  Today was a day where I was torn mostly with events that were distracting and discouraging me from my walk with God.  I felt the evil one really try to bring me away from my woman's Bible study tonight, and emotionally I was struggling to find myself at peace in the study.  These are one of those moments where I needed to pray for the desire to desire God. 

Because of this praying and God taking my heart back after I tried so hard to give it back to Him, I had heard a couple really impacting moments during the study...both revolved around the questions "Who am I??" 

1)  II Samuel 7:1-3 explains how David wants to make a house for the ark (presence of God) rather than it stay in a tent.  4-11 say how God had other fact He wanted to establish a house for David and his family. 

David's response?  Verse 18-"'Who am I??'"  "Who am I, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?" 
Is that how you deal with man?  Is that what you do God?  Bless us?  Bringing us this far?  Have you had many this far moments, where all you can say is "God, oh God how did you bring me this far??  I couldn't get this far on my own!"  Who are we to be blessed by God bringing us this far, and establishing us in His divine home and purpose on earth?? 

2)  II Samuel 6:1-10 explains how David was bringing the ark back to its place in Israel.  It started to slip and pump around on the trip, so Uzzah reached out and touched the ark to keep it steady.  God's anger struck down and killed Uzzah instantly because of his "irreverent act." 
David was furious against God.  "How could you kill him?  That was uncalled for!"  This anger turned to fear, and David could not bring the presence of God into his city. 

This act of God wasn't what David expected to have happen while he was bringing the presence of God back home.  David really thought he was doing the right thing...but God totally acted out of turn!  God shouldn't have killed Uzzah...he was just trying to steady the ark! 

Let me tell you...nothing throws us more for a loop than when God does not behave like we want Him to. He needs to behave and obey our prayers to Him.  He can, and promises He will...but when God doesn't "follow the rules" we set up for our lives, we are devastated.  We blame God for not doing it right.  It makes sense for us...why didn't God get it right?? 

And friends, we can't move on unless we get passed this devastation.  We need to move past the disappointment and anger toward God and conquer the fear.  We need to get close to God again and seek Him.  Learn from it...and move on. 

Ask God for forgiveness for the times where you've commanded Him to obey our demands for self gain.  Forgive yourself.  God is able to do everything we ask...but He can still say no.  Or, He will do it another way that takes WAY longer than if He just did it our way.  His way is best.  Acknowledge it and step back from our ways.  Cause really, who are we to command the King of kings, who knows the beginning and the fulfill our selfish desires?  We are privileged to just talk to Him!

Step down...ask with the purpose of furthering God's kingdom on earth...don't doubt His abilities, but don't get bossy with our Heavenly Father either. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Don't Give Up

Nothing much to this blog...but I want to continue to encourage you all to pray.  Pray constantly.  Lift up prayers of thanksgiving, adoration, and requests.  When you ask for something, pray earnestly for it.  Really believe God can give it to you.   Really root for God to show you how AMAZING He really is. 

My favorite visual I can think of with God is just like a father would react to his son/daughter:
"Daddy, I really want a pony for Christmas!  I love ponies.  I think it would be so good for helping outside around the house and helping me get places faster!"

"Oh my daughter, would you be able to take care of it?   Could you keep up with it?  Would this pony really be worth the hassle?  I know another way that you can accomplish what you want to."

I actually hear Him saying "Oh Kat...wait til I really show you what you need."

Is He saying that to you?  Is it hard to hear?  Trust is.  It's harder to hear "You're right...but wait."
Keep praying.  We may never see the results...but God assures us that our words will never return to us empty.  Our prayers are heard.  They will be answered in God's timing and purpose.

Trust Him.  Love Him.  Talk to Him every day, with every breath you take.  He deserves it, and is capable of doing all we ask and imagine...wouldn't you want to see it?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

How Much Power are We Really Talking About Here?

"When Ananias heard this, he fell down dead..."  Acts 5:5
"At that moment, she [Sapphira] fell down at his [Peter] feet and died." Acts 5:10

"As a result, people brought the sick into the streets and laid them on the beds and mats so that at least Peter's shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by."  Acts 5:15

"'Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.'  After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken.  And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly."  Acts 4:30-31

 The context of the first set of verses revolves around Ananias and Sapphire lying to the Holy Spirit about not giving all they were instructed to.  Their punishment?  Sudden death.  Literally.  They just died.  Probably very healthy individuals.  We may ask ourselves "Well God, that's harsh."  It actually looks more like our God we see in the Old Testament, with His sudden and questionable actions.  But honestly, it shows and reminds us that our "lovey dovey" God more seen in the New Testament is still the God we see in the Old.  He never changes.

So, let me ask this...if God never changes, should His Holy Spirit?  Reread the verses and reflect on the power.  Friends, this same Spirit is in us!

How do we see this today?  Do we see the miraculous healing?  I have heard about some.  One friend said that we aren't praying big enough for God.  It's like asking a professional piano player to play "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."  He sits there and goes "That's all you want?  I am capable of doing so much more...are  you sure you don't want anything a little bigger?"

Do we trust God's power in us?  Is our faith needing to grow so we can really believe in the power that's in us?  Would you walk up to someone and say something with full assurance that God would do what you said?  Is our fear and faith in God that strong?

Now it's more than just believing God is strong's getting out of the way so His power radiates all the more.  If you really believed it, wouldn't you want to get out of the way?  If you really tasted God's goodness in your life and felt the fullness of His power in you, wouldn't you want to desire that all the time?

So friends, my challenge to you is to reflect on the power that dwells in you.  Reflect on who is living in you and the credit He deserves for the amazing things He does do and can still do today.  Would you be willing to see Him work today like he did back then?  What do you need to do in your heart to prepare yourselves for that?  I don't know about you, but I want to see God's power today.  I want the earth to shake after praying. 

Include a statement like the following in your prayers.  Pray that God reveals Himself to you more and more each day.  Pray God's power can be used through you.  Even Peter's shadow was precious because the Holy Spirit's power was so great in Him!  Is that true with us?  Are we ready to see the Holy Spirit's full power?  Are we willing?  Do we have so much trust in man and our progress throughout the years that we don't see a need to have these miracles anymore?  I have heard doctor's say that someone should have been dead and can't explain why that person is still alive.  Sounds like even when we try to perform the miracles, we can't.  We still need God to do it, and we need it in our world today. 

"Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus."  Help us to believe, because we don't want to miss any miracles.