Thursday, December 29, 2011

2012: Normal's Not Cutting It Anymore

The following are sections of books I am engrossed in right now.  Ponder the message and challenge within these statements.  Would you dare this?

"We have a choice.  We can settle for casual devotion to Jesus, sitting comfortably in our nice church buildings, where we are insulated and isolated from the inner city and the spiritual lostness of the world.  We can give a tip of our hats to the purpose of Christ in the world while we go on designing endless activities that revolve around us.  We can retreat into our nice, cozy communities where we can live nice, decent lives while we pretend the starving millions do not exist.  We can hide behind our catchy phrases and our easy prayers that dilute the awesome reality of who Jesus is and what it means to follow him.  We can spend our Christian lives sitting comfortably in the nurseries of our churches while drinking spiritual milk. 

Or we can decide that Jesus is worth more than this.  We can decide that he has created us for a much greater purpose.  We can decide to die to ourselves and our dreams and our plans, and we can decide to let our hearts be conquered by a superior ambition.  Ultimately, we can decide to sacrifice our lives, our gifts, our skills, our time, our families, and our resources to make the great worth of Christ known amid urgent spiritual and physical needs in all the world.  Here's what I want to say to my brothers and sisters in America: let's sacrifice it all!  For the glory of Christ among a billion people who have not even heard the gospel...

For the sake of men, women, and children who are starving, suffering, and dying every single day...

For the millions in your city and my city who do not know Christ and are headed for a Christless eternity...

For ourselves, for our churches, for our families, for our children who will come behind us.  For all of this and more, let's sacrifice it all!"  
The Radical Question, What is Jesus Worth to You?

"If you let him, if you choose not to coast along the world's wide-open road but rather to blaze a narrow trail with Jesus as your guide, then you'll never settle for normal again.  You'll want only one thing.  The God kind of weird." 

Profile of the obsessed: 
"People who are obsessed with Jesus:
  • Aren't consumed with their personal safety and comfort above all else. 
  • Give freely and openly.
  • Live lives that connect them with the poor in some way or another.
  • Are more concerned with obeying God than doing what is expected or fulfilling the status quo.
  • Knows that the sin of pride is always a battle.
  • Do not consider service a burden.
  • Are known as givers, not takers.
  • Thinks about heaven frequently.
  • Is characterized by committed, settled, passionate love for God, above and before every other thing and every other being.
  • Are raw with God.
  • Have an intimate relationship with Him.
  • Is more concerned with  his or her character than comfort.
  • Knows that the best thing he can do is be faithful to his Savior in every aspect of his life, continually saying 'Thank You!'"
Crazy Love 

As 2012 comes closer, I am given a heavy challenge on my heart from God.  These statements all hit me at roughly the same time.  God wants me to give Him everything: my time, money, energy, attention, love, body....everything!  In Acts, that's how the Church functioned.  We all have different gifts, and with each part of the church body working together, we can function the way God intended.  I want to see our churches working together, collaborating our gifts together so the Church body goes somewhere.  If we all sit still, nothing is going to happen.  I want us to get out of our comfortable church building, financial security, ignorant lifestyle and take a chance!  God calls us to take a chance!  If He wants us to take a risk, we need to trust Him!  Normal isn't working anymore.  Normal has taken us to be safe, comfortable, and dependent on man.  Our Church needs weird.  In 2012, I want to see weird.  I want to live crazy.  I want to be a radical like Jesus told me to be.  I want people to turn their heads and wonder what is wrong with me.  I want them to see how my 'reckless' lifestyle is actually more peaceful then theirs.  I want to live as if Heaven starts tomorrow.  My life means nothing without Christ, and I want people to see what they are missing and what God really provides. 

This is my passion for the coming year.  Don't just read this and consider it.  Join me.  Take a risk.  Let 2012 begin a new direction for our Church: a narrow path full of uncertainty and peace that surpasses all understanding.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Give This Christmas Away

There are only a couple days left til Christmas. 

You know...when we were younger, we were so excited about the stuff.  The bigger the present, the more excited I got!  I would even get sneaky and try to peak at my presents without damaging the wrapping. 

Now, I could care less what I fact I would be content if I didn't get anything from anyone.  Isn't that strange how our hearts change?  Or, isn't that how it should be?  I know people around me who are older than me and are still worried about the stuff of Christmas.  How do we change from this?  How do we have more contentment with Christmas? 

First off, we need to really understand that we love Christmas because of God's gift to the world...His Son, which led to our eternal salvation and assurance of where we will be after this life. 

Second, by knowing this we need to understand what pleases God.  We need to accept this gift...but how do we really accept this gift from God?  Francis Chan's whole idea in his book Crazy Love is how we can really fall in love with God again.  Our attitudes are so do we really look like we love our God?   I found a couple examples of how we can please God this holiday season.

Hebrews 13:16 says, "And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased."

Colossians 1:10 says, "And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God."

Proverbs 3:34 says, "He mocks proud mockers but gives grace to the humble."

Reflect on these verses and let God tell you what this means to you this holiday season.  Don't miss His instruction and direction.  For me, it meant to make numerous home-made gifts this year and give every bit of it away...much of it to people I don't even know.  It was encouraging to have others join me in this and allow them the delight in giving beyond the norm this holiday season as well.  What does this mean for you?  What are you willing to do?  If we all just gave this Christmas away, what would that look like? 

I heard this song on the radio after I made my choice this holiday season, and it was God letting me know "You've got it." 

What if I told you?
You have the power
To give someone hope
Far beyond their wildest dreams
[ Lyrics from: ]
What if I told you it's right there in your hands?
In your hands

It's hard to imagine
How something so small
Can make all the difference
Tear down the tallest wall

What if December looked different this year?
What if we all just

Give this Christmas away
If there's love in your heart
Don't let it stay there
Give this Christmas away
And your life will be changed
By the gift you receive
When you give this Christmas away

It's feeding the hungry
It's serving the poor
It's telling the orphan
You're not forgotten anymore

It's doing what love does
Even when no one's watching you

Give this Christmas away
If there's love in your heart
Don't let it stay there
Give this Christmas away
And your life will be changed
By the gift you receive
When you give this Christmas away

For God so loved the world, He gave His only son
So we could be His hands, His feet, His love
His love

What if I told you?
You have the power
To give someone hope
Far beyond their wildest dreams

What if December looked different this year?
What if we all just

Give this Christmas away
If there's love in your heart
Don't let it stay there
Give this Christmas away
And your life will be changed
By the gift you receive
When you give this Christmas away
Give this Christmas away
You have the power
Just give it away

Merry Christmas, and God Bless.  

Monday, December 19, 2011

Living Recklessly

I am, for lack of better terms, intoxicated with the teachings of Francis Chan right now.  God has been opening my eyes to be seeing like this man is speaking.  As I read a chapter tonight, I kept underlining and commenting in the margins...I want to quote a few sections that I probably could have highlighted in 5 different colors...this is all from his 7th chapter of Crazy Love, "your best life...later":

"Having faith often means doing what others see as crazy.  Something is wrong when our lives make sense to unbelievers."

"If we allow ourselves to live recklessly for Him, then we, too, will see His glory.  We will see Him do the impossible.  Christians today like to play it safe.  We want to put ourselves in situations where we are safe 'even if there is no God.'  But if we truly desire to please God, we cannot live that way.  We have to do things that cost us during our life on earth but will be more than worth it in eternity."

"When it's hard and you are doubtful, give more."

"Pride tells you that you've sacrificed more than others.  Fear tells you it's time to worry about the future." 

"Jesus was forcing His disciples to trust Him.  God would have to come through for them because they had nothing else to fall back on.  This place of trust isn't a comfortable place to be; in fact, it flies in the face of everything we've been taught about proper planning.  We like finding refuge in what we already have rather than in what we hope God will provide.  But when Christ says to count the cost of following Him, it means we must surrender everything.  It means being willing to go without an extra runic or a place to sleep at night, and sometimes without knowing where we are going."  (Amen!  This is a way to live!)

"But God doesn't call us to be comfortable.  He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through."

"The thing that matters most is how we use what we have been given, not how much we make or do compared to someone else.  What matters is that we spend ourselves." 

Today, I talked with my coworkers about our weekends.  I shared that my church small group/prayer group had come to deliver Christmas cards that we made.  I remember the expression on my co-worker's face when I told her how sick the 2nd floor was...and that it didn't stop us.  She was shocked that the nurses let us even come to that floor.  I was almost scolded for being so reckless...but I sit here still unharmed with the flu.  You know why?  Because my God is bigger than any flu bug, and He can keep me healthy.  There is no way in the world I couldn't have gotten it with all the exposure I've had to it...but God is amazing! 

I want to be able to walk down a dark alley alone and know God is protecting me.  If He called me to walk alone in a risky trailer park, I want to trust Him to keep me safe.  I want people to look at me as "reckless" as long as I am doing it for God's glory.  I don't know what God is preparing for me, but the more I reflect on where I have been, the more excited I get for where I'm going to go next! 

Are you willing to risk it all for God?  Are you willing to give of your gifts and talents to a flu-infested environment?  How about to strangers in an area you've never been before?  Would you take the call to love on people this holiday season that need extra loving?  If you answer the call, God will get you through it.  You have nothing to fear when you know that the worst possible outcome is that you come out clean and live another day down here on earth...the best outcome is your Heavenly Father takes you home into His presence.  With an ending like that, how can you say no? 

"If we allow ourselves to live recklessly for Him, then we, too, will see His glory.  We will see Him do the impossible."   Take a chance of faith today. 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

John 14

 "Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Trust in God, trust also in me."

Dear Heavenly Father,

Use me.

Show me where to go.

Thank you for being "The way, the truth, and the life."

"If you love me, you will obey what I command."  Help me obey God...grant me courage and discernment to know which voice I need to obey.

I ask for faith that can make a difference..."I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing.  He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."

In your name, I make my requests: "And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.  You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it."

Thank you for preparing a place for ME.  So I can be in your presence...I am floored Jesus that you want me.  Thank you.

May we all feel your love and peace this holiday season...and not just keep it to ourselves.  Let us share it with everyone around us!  When we find you, let us give away what we need to to keep it.  May others find this joy this season:  "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

Give joy, peace, and love away today....and all the days to come.  God bless.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

24 Years

24 years ago, my mother was delivering her 3rd child. 
I was at that point, known to the world as Katherine Elizabeth Bell. 

Before that, I was an idea.  I was a fetus, a no name.  No one knew what I would become.  My parents had dreams and ideas, but they really didn't know what life that little baby was going to hold.  They didn't know where that precious girl was going to end up, where she was going to travel to. 

24 years later, that girl sits at her computer in Waverly IA with a heart that has been completely changed.  She is no longer a girl, but a woman.  A woman dedicated to letting her life go.  A woman that reflects on where she's been, but is very excited and oblivious to where she is going to be a year from now.  Who would have thought 24 years ago that precious baby girl would turn into the woman she is today?  Who knew this in advance? 

Only the One who made her perfect in His sight.  The only one who made her pure again because of His Son.  She's not perfect...the potter is continuously molding this piece of clay.  There are still some rough spots to soften and smooth out.  He keeps working on them.  This clay jar becomes more beautiful and usable each passing year.

Thank you God for blessing me with 24 years of life.  Thank you for the memories and experiences in those 24 years to make me the woman I am today.  If it weren't for you, I don't know where I would be...but it wouldn't be here.  I will continually live my future years for your glory as best as I can.  I don't know what the future holds, but I know that you knew my plans before I was born.  I trust you, and am excited to see what this coming year unfolds for my 24th year of life. 

I love you Father.  Thanks for letting your daughter live a life that's indescribable. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Yes, two posts in one day, but my other post had nothing to do with this and I didn't feel like these were two topics to connect in one post...

Tonight I had heard a comment that made me slightly ticked. 

A young couple had been together for some time now, but the women had told her boyfriend, "If we aren't engaged by this time, I am going to break up with you." 

Ladies...since when did we feel it was a good idea to take such a stand against our men?  When was it OUR call?  To me, I felt "okay, if she's flinging this around, what's to say she won't fling divorce papers later?"  Doesn't sound like true love to me...because doesn't the Bible say "love is is kind?"  

1) If you loved your boyfriend, you'd wait as long as it took and would be content in that. 
2) When do we have that authority? 

It's hard to take this stand in a society where women are being so empowering.  We want to rise up and take charge and show the men around that we can do everything they can do too.  But the reality of this ladies is our men are being intimidated and actually stepping down from their roles because of us.  I am not saying we aren't better...I'm saying we need to back off. 

Eve took a stand and told Adam what to do.  Adam was intimidated, and obeyed her.  Outcome?  Sin was born. 

Sarai (Sarah) took a stand with Abram (Abraham) and told him to sleep with her maidservant Hagar.  She was promised a child, but saw no answer fast enough to satisfy she took matters into her own hands.  Abram stepped down and obeyed her...Hagar was born a son, but abuse and rejection followed that because of Sarai's hasty and authoritative decision. 

Rachel had a moment where Jacob's other wife, Leah, was bearing children while Rachel remained barren.  In her frustration, she approaches Jacob and says, "Give me children, or I'll die!"  Now finally I see a man stepping back up and rebuking saying, "Am I in the place of God, who has kept you from having children?"    It wasn't until later when it reads in Genesis 30:22 "Then God remembered Rachel; he listened to her and opened her womb." 

Lot's wife was so consumed with her luxuries that she turned to a pile of salt because she couldn't obey and listen to the men around her. 

In Judges we see Deborah and Barak.  Deborah asks Barak to lead the army to victory, but Barak was intimidated and would not do it alone.  Because of this, the victory would rest in the hands of a woman.  Guys, yes we can be intimidating at times...and we may be called to roles like Deborah had, but what she did was noble.  She gave a man the opportunity to lead.  Ladies, are we quick to provide this encouragement and opportunity for the men, or do we just do it ourselves because we are able to? 

For examples of women who had it right, read about:
Esther (7:1-6)
Abigail (I Samuel 25)
The Virtuous Wife (Proverbs 31:10-31)

Ladies, we have so much worth to us.  I am not saying we aren't good enough...for we were created because "it is not good for man to be alone."  We are needed by the men around us, and they are needed by us.  It is not our place to take authority from them, for we see what happens when we do. 

We are instructed numerous times through Paul to submit to our husbands.  Let's begin to practice that today.  Join me ladies in encouraging our men to stand back up and lead while we support and encourage them with all the love we can. 

Filthy Rags

Tonight while I was sitting and reading Crazy Love by Fancis Chan, I came across a new perspective. 

(I will be slightly graphic, so if you are uncomfortable with graphic discussion I advice you to keep reading because it's an accurate realization.  I am not ashamed to say it this way) 

Isaiah 64:6 reads "All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away." 

...all our righteous acts are like filthy rags...nothing we do can cover up the filth that is sin in our lives. 

I have had friends come up to me and argue "I just can't believe a God would be loving enough to send a good person to Hell."  Who are we to make that judgment call?  As God tells Job throughout the last few chapters of his book...we don't even measure up to that position of authority. 

"As it is written: 'There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.  All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.'" Romans 3:10-12
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23

We are all filthy.  Just how filthy?? 

Francis compared "filthy rags" to menstral garments...tampons or pads in our time today. 

Let me ask you something...(ladies mostly, but guys pay attention)...would you use a tampon if it had even a speck of menstral on it?  Of course not!  That's so gross!  yuck...why would I put someone else's filth....menstral inside me??

No matter the sin, it stains us like menstral on a tampon.  After even a speck is put on it, it has lost its use.  So is sin on our hearts in God's eyes.  One lie taints us forever.  One little theft has created a speck.  It's sick to us to think of menstrating everywhere, but for God to think of sin is just as gross to Him.  We need to look at His perspective as best as we are able to. 

So, for those of you that keep questioning God's love in sending "good" people to Hell, instead reflect on His love for you in sparing you that fate.  We all have menstration on our hearts.  Our sin is SICK to God....but he paid the price to clean that bloody mess from our tampons.  Thank Him for that.  Instead of get upset at why "good" people are cast out, praise God that He saved you!  Our tampons are clean and usable because of Jesus.  As gross as that analogy is, it puts my mind in perspective to where God is coming from.  God is loving to save me...and because of Him I can be used instead of thrown away. 

Thank God for using you.  Not as a tampon, but as His beloved child.  We are precious in His sight and worthy of His presence because of Jesus...and that's the only way we can get the menstral out of our lives.  I don't care how "good" you are...without Jesus we all have the same fate.