Thursday, September 19, 2013

We Don't Deserve Him

 Ever ask the question, why me?

You find yourself in a great job, and you can many times find reasons why you belong in that job.

You see yourself in different hobbies, and you can find reasons why you are good at those hobbies.

What blows our mind is when we come across a good thing, and can't figure out why we got it.

Jesus is that good thing.

We don't deserve Jesus.

Yet Jesus died for us.

Not because of anything we've done.

But only because he loved us.

Why does he love us?

What have I done?


And there is nothing I will ever do to earn that love.

But guess what?  I already have it...

And so can you. 

He is so willing to give.

And you don't have to do a thing.

Blows your mind doesn't it?  It blows mine.

I offer so much of my junk before Jesus,

And he takes it willingly.

He nails it to the cross with Himself.

So I can be pure and blameless in his Father's sight.

All because he loved us.

That's it.

Feel like you can measure up?

You won't.

So save yourself the hardship.

And accept the freedom of knowing...

We don't deserve him. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

You Thrill Me, Lord

"You thrill me, Lord, with all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done."
 Psalm 92:4 

It is easy to praise God when things are going well for you.  It is VERY easy when God answers a prayer that has been piercing and poking at your heart for years and years.  We are quick to offer praise to God in the good times...and on the other extreme, it is easy to run to God for help in the hard times.

However, we don't naturally think to praise God during those hard times.  We have a hard time finding the rich blessings in life when things aren't always going the way we would want them to.  The last thing I want to say is "You thrill me, Lord" when a parent has passed away, or when I lose my job.

Nothing that extreme even has to happen...I find it hard to say that phrase even after a long day and I am exhausted!  I forget so easily the rich blessings in my life because I will draw toward the discouragement that pulls me from the joy I could have with God.  My vision will gaze onto the waves of life rather than the one who controls the waves.

My request is this...even though my joy right now is great, I know there will be hardships.  I know my heart will not always want to say "You thrill me, Lord."  But, I know that no matter what, the Rock has not moved from my grasp.  The Author of my life has not stopped writing exciting sequences in the plot. 

I pray that the Lord thrills your souls today! 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

"I Catch All Your Tears"

"You keep track of all my sorrows.  You have collected all my tears in your bottle.  You have recorded each one in your book."  
~Psalm 56:8~

Our God is gentle and compassionate to us as His children.  Can you imagine the Creator of the universe, who watches everyone and everything at the SAME time catching YOUR tears when you cry them?  Even Him being aware of our sorrows blows my mind.  He is not just aware of them, but He cares enough to catch each one and save them.  He knows why we cry, and He holds us through all our sorrows. 

He knows it is tough, whatever you are going through:

Whether it be a loss, a growing pain, a hard lesson learned, a broken spirit...whatever the source of your can trust that God is there through it all with you, paying close attention to every detail of your life. 

What a God we serve...Thank God for not just being present in the hard times, but being right there with you with His full attention on you. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

How Bad Do You Want It?

Almost a whole month without blogging...

When I realized this I was disappointed.  There is so much I would have wanted to say!  So much I wanted to share with you all, and in a month's time I can't even begin to share the lessons God reveals to me.

This blog is a public journal to me.  I want to share with you all how my God has led me through my days to find a deeper love and understanding of Him.

Colossians 1:10 says
" that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God..."

My God is so good, and I have seen so many good fruits many humbling many moments of discipline to create in me a pure heart.  My God is so good in the bad times, and GREAT in the good!  

So, instead of trying to wrap up my whole month's lessons in one, I want to challenge you all...which is what I will challenge myself as well:  

What will you give up to have Jesus?  

Hebrews 12: 1 says 
"However, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares..."  

Throw off everything...not just sin...throw off your friendship, your relationships, your marriage, your children, your parents, your job, your finances, your blessings!  EVERYTHING that can keep us from running toward the founder and perfecter of our faith! drastic as that sounds....I am not saying to put yourself on an island alone and worship God alone.  What I am saying is if we are truly willing to call everything around us rubbish in comparison to Christ....I know I don't always...but I desire to.  I desire the desire to.  

How important is it for me to have my quiet time, and what good things are keeping me from doing so?  What is keeping me from sharing my experiences with Christ?  What is keeping me from even thinking about Christ in all I do?  
How bad do we want it?   Do I count everything loss?  Not nearly...

So I am challenged.  I want to grow deeper in the knowledge of God.  In order for me to do this, I must count everything as a loss, cutting loose every weight and sin that would slow me down.  

Join me friends.  And as always...I love you all. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Perfect Gifts from Above

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above coming down from the Father of lights with whom ther is no variation or shadow due to change." 
James 1:17

What an awesome image that we have from our Father in Heaven!  Your Abba Father waits to give you good and perfect gifts directly from Him!  How precious and personal is our God to us!

Sadly, I am guilty of taking these gifts and forgetting their value.  I take advantage of the years of music that has been engraved on my heart.  I take advantage of the friendships around me and forget their worth to me.  I even take certain gifts and expect God to make more out of them than what they really were intended to be.  It's like God giving me a pocket knife and I try to cut down a tree with it.  I expect the gift to do more than it was intended to.

How many times do we do this?  Say my passion for music...God gave me songs to sing, but I expected my songs to reach the world far and wide and become famous!  Maybe the purpose of his songs through me was to reach one person on Bash on the Farm.  That was it...what if?

What if your desire to minister to lost souls gave you a passion to spread overseas....but God kept you in your community and church?  Does this make the gift any less perfect?  Of course not!  God administers each gift to us perfectly.  We don't have to tweek any design.  It was perfect already. 

I don't always believe this in my heart.   I am very quick to want more than what God gives me.  But I ask myself...what kind of daughter comes to her father and says "Dad, your gift isn't doing what I want it to do.  I don't like this." 

What kind of daughter would that make me?  Especially to my Heavenly Father!  If His gifts are perfect, and I'm not happy with them... the problem isn't's me. 

"For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor.  No good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless." 
Psalm 84:11

My prayer Lord, Abba Father, is that you would open the eyes of my heart to see your design for the gifts you have given me.  I pray that my heart would be changed to find contentment in the life that you have given me.  I pray that I would cast aside all worldy desires and find the treasures in heaven to be more desireable and filling to my soul.  I ask, God, that you would grant me a joy in what I have and only what you have. 

"Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things; and give me life in your ways." 
Psalm 119:37

May this be your prayer too.  I love you all. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Psalm 77

Wednesday night I went to my church for a prayer time.  My pastor led us in a discussion on meditation and what it looks like through some of the Psalms.

Psalm 77 moved me to tears.  This psalm is full of what our hearts feel so often, and yet we find ourselves asking the question "Where are you God?"  We pray, we cry, we seek him, but we aren't comforted.  We feel drained, weak, alone.

At this point, so many of us reject God and believe that he never was there...even this psalmist is feeling that pit of despair.  

"In the day of my trouble I seek the Lord;
in the night my hand is stretched out without wearying;
my soul refuses to be comforted.
When I remember God, I moan;
when I meditate, my spirit faints."
(verses 2-3)

 The psalmist reflected and called out and prayed to God...but he still hurt.  His soul wasn't comforted.  He moaned, his spirit weak.  He felt no answer to his prayers at this point.  

"You hold my eyelids open;
I am so troubled that I cannot speak.
I consider the days of old,
the years long ago.
I said, “Let me remember my song in the night;
let me meditate in my heart.”
Then my spirit made a diligent search:"
(verses 4-6)

The psalmist had a choice to make...he could accept the distress he had, or he could seek further.  It says that the psalmist "considered the days of old," remembering the good times.  He remembered when the walk was good with God, and the works God has done to remind the psalmist of his eternal faithfulness.   His spirit "made a diligent search."  It wasn't given, the psalmist sought it DESPITE how empty and betrayed he felt...

And the psalm takes a 180 degree turn around.  Now the psalmist asks about the character of God, asking if His love ever ceases, if His faithfulness ever dies, if His grace ever departed.  He remembers the miracles that freed Israel from Egypt.  He begins to praise God for who He is always, not what He appears to be now.  

This is huge!  This is amazing...this is hard!!  

We are promised that God is always there, ready to pick us up when we acknowledge Him with a pure heart.  However, it seems like this is not the case.  

How can I explain the psalm to someone who's loved-one just died?  How can I explain this psalm to someone who is worn from life and can't find any relief?  How can I explain this psalm to a friend who sits in debt and sees no way out?  

The answer isn't always the one everyone wants to hear...but here it is.  Don't give up.  Keep searching.  God is there.  From what I have seen from God in OT times, He appears to have left, but His hand was always over His chosen people.  

Abraham was told to sacrifice Isaac so the Lord would "know" of Abraham's faithfulness.  God knew Abraham would be faithful and obedient, but he just showed himself that he would be.  I can think of this psalm the same way.  God knows if we will seek more or not.  We will show ourselves if we are truly obedient despite our worldly struggles.  We will learn obedience through the struggle and see the work God has done in our hearts through the struggle.  The psalmist does by remembering the good times, the blessings, and praising with a hurting heart.  

It's easy to praise with a light and happy heart... it's harder when our hearts are cluttered with worries, weak from trials, and hurt with aches.   

The last thing I want to do is praise God when things aren't going right....but it takes a great deal of trust to believe that it isn't what we see.  It shows our desire for a new world, one where sin is no longer free.  

The race is long, and the course is rough, but those who withstand to the end will see the prize.  

I love you all. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

His Majesty

Last night I was really pondering something...and it was spawned from the amazing storm system that went through Waverly IA last night. 

I got a text from a friend to check out the storm, and I instantly ran outside and stood in the massive plummet of raindrops that soaked me, while lightning and thunder roared around me.  I find this to be my instant reaction to storms.  Storms truly excite me.  The more serious their prediction, the more excited I get. 

I have been accused of being an adrenaline junkie...which is probably true.  I won't deny it.  But I don't feel it's the adrenaline that really gets me into storms.  I've wanted to be a storm chaser, run down tornadoes and capture the moment of such intensity!  But why? 

Because I'm crazy?  Because I want the thrill?  Eh, yes that's part of me...but it's not entirely true.  See, as the storm gets more severe, I am excited but then excitement turns into fear.  Fear because I know what will happen if that storm gets too close to myself, friends, and loved ones.  Destruction follows.  Deaths occur.  Inevitable damage rages the scene. 

So why do I like storms?  They remind me of God.  The characteristics of a storm coincide with the characteristics of our Mighty God:

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Psalm 19:1

The clouds poured out water; the skies gave forth thunder; your arrows flashed on every side.
Psalm 77:17

Ascribe power to God, whose majesty is over Israel, and whose power is in the skies.
Psalm 68:34

Just as people can fall into the wrath of a raging storm, those that don't know Jesus will fall into his wrath when he comes again.

For we know him who said, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.” And again, “The Lord will judge his people.”  It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Hebrews 10:30-31

It is truly awesome to be soaked in his majesty.  I stand in the rain not because I like getting wet.  I stand in the storm because I want to embrace the majesty of God.  

These storms also remind me of the storms in my spiritual walk.  At times they rage all the more in my heart.  The thunder bursts louder, the lightening closer, and the wind thrashes me about as personal struggles become harder to withstand.  Standing in the rain during a storm is a delight, because I want to delight in my current struggles.  It is a reminder that storms come, and storms go, but God is always there, and perseverance is my goal.  The more the wind thrashes me about, the stronger God will make me.  The stronger the challenge, the stronger the growth.

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
James 1:2-4

And thank goodness I don't have to stand in the storms alone...

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.  And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
Hebrews 10:23-25

I want to see the Majesty of God in my personal storms as I see him in the physical ones.  

The path of a storm is unknown, even though we try to predict it as best as we can.  The best thing you can do is obey the warnings and take shelter.  When the Judgement Day comes, where will your shelter be?  Will you heed the warnings now and abide in the only shelter for the ultimate storm?  

Until then, delight in the majesty of God all around you.  The skies proclaim the works of his hands!  

Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out,
For the Lord our God
the Almighty reigns."
Revelation 19:6

 I love you all.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

What Are We Missing?

Remember that phrase?  "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger?"  I used to believe that...then I heard a sermon from Ed Moore that gave me a new perspective.  As many of you know, I dive into the book of Ruth a lot...I find lots of information from Ruth because I see a lot of good quality characteristics in Ruth that I ask God to show me.  I see correlations between Ruth and Boaz, and me and Jesus.  I always find something everytime I come back. 

I will say quickly however, that I read and study other books as well.  Don't just focus on one book to give you all the answers.  I just happen to really like reading and studying Ruth more frequently.  In 4 chapters, I find a lot. 

Near the end of the first chapter, we see Naomi and Ruth conversing.  As I listened to the sermon, I was blown away by how much was taken out of the last 4 verses....but I want to make one point to you that convicted me, and I hope it opens your eyes a little as well. 

Naomi was not at all worried about the spiritual condition of Ruth because she was so engrossed in her own loss.  We don't lose a husband and two kids on a regular basis, but what other little things consume us and bring our attitudes to an aggressive flare? 

"UGH!! I overslept again!!" 

"My kids just WON'T leave me alone!" 

"My car won't start...this is the second time this week!"  

"Another stop light??  Man I'll be late for sure!" 

"I lost my phone!"

"I'm so lonely..." 

The list can go on and on. 

No matter what the issue is, it can easily consume us.  It can make us bitter very easily. 

What made Naomi bitter?  I got some ideas that Ed mentioned in his sermon:
-She wasn't close to God in Moab
-She only saw her loss when she looked at Ruth
-She didn't understand the character of God
-She felt that she deserved more

How easy these 4 things relate to us.  Take a struggling single for example.  If I didin't rely on God, I'd fall into all 4 of these points.  If I'm not close to God, I'm not seeking Him and desiring His will above my own.  If I only see the pain in the singleness, I miss the blessing I have.  If I didn't understand God's character, I would feel like He was distant and withholding from me.  If I believed I deserved a husband, I would be upset every time I realize I don't have one. 

I don't deserve anything except Hell. 

Being on earth is a step above Hell, so no matter what happens here, we already are getting better than what we deserve.  I need to stop feeling that I deserve more and start enjoying more of what I do have.  I need to stop feeling bitter toward those that have what I want.  I am like Naomi too much, in that I have only seen my pain in other's rather than blessings.

Are we missing opportunies because of our bitterness?  I know I have.  I know I am. 

Friends, if we are focused on the world and material to get us what we want, we will always end up unsatisfied and empty.  We will always feel dissappointed.  If we feel we deserve the things that have been given to us, we will appear rude, bitter, and ungrateful when we don't have these things in our possessions.  When trials do come, we will heat up the room with our attitude.  We won't be stronger, we will be bitter. 

If we aren't concerned with spiritual, we will end up bitter.  Naomi was not concerned about spirituality in this first chapter.  She left Bethlehem with her husband because of a famine.  She returned back because Bethlehem was out of the famine.  Naomi's example is not one to follow.  Her attitude missed the point...she already sent her other daughter-in-law home.  She missed the opportunity to evangelise to Orpah.  If Ruth wasn't so set in following Naomi, Ruth would have stayed lost as well.

Who are we sending away in bitterness, and how can you find joy in all circumstances?  I pray that we can leave all bitterness aside and find a humble spirit in all things, knowing what we do deserve and being thankful that it isn't part of our fate anymore!   Praise the LORD!! 

I love you all friends.  Thank you for reading.  I hope it touched you today. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013


When I was 16, I got a purity ring.
And when I was 25, I took it off.
I didn’t tell anyone I was doing it — it wasn’t a statement or an emotional thing. I just slipped it off my finger that day and, before tucking it away in a box, ran my finger around the words on the familiar gold band.
“True Love Waits.” Waits.
What’s it “waiting” for, anyway?

This was taken from a blog I read called "I Don't Wait Anymore"  It really spoke to me, and it's something that I currently am praying about in my own heart.

The words "True Love Waits" have been something that I haven't only worn around my finger for years, but it's also been worn around my heart.  It has been the statement that has kept me from emotionally plummeting when I felt lonely in singleness.  These words reminded me to be strong when I wanted to cry.  These words have been there to remind me that God has a bigger blessing for me...

But is this blessing what I'm called to wait for? 

We have been told to wait.  Wait for sex til marriage.  Wait for the right one.  Wait...wait...wait.

I don't know about you...but the idea of waiting means that I expect it to eventually happen.

Waiting for a husband means that I will have a husband someday...but will I?  What if I stopped waiting?  What if I was convinced that I didn't have to live life waiting?  What if I was so content in my current status that it didn't matter what happened tomorrow?  God didn't promise everyone would have a spouse.  God didn't promise that if we waited, he would provide a spouse.  God promised that He would give us the desires of our hearts...but does that include this gap we want filled with a spouse?

I don't believe so. 

I have a purity ring right now as well with this phrase on it..."True Love Waits."   Now, I could do as this girl did and take it off for the purpose of not waiting anymore.  I could also keep it on to remind myself to wait on the only One who's love is True.  Either perspective on "waiting" needs to change.  It is not healthy to be set on something that God doesn't promise to us specifically. 

Keeping this perspective makes it hard when you see the joy that married couples have with each other.  It is hard when you want someone there to help your accountability.  It is tough when you see past singles that are now engaged and free to express it around you.  Jeolousy easily floods in because you want that to be you so bad....but it can't consume you.  Our hearts need to change, and our teaching to youth needs to change.

We can't tell ourselves to wait for love, we need to wait on the Truth that God teaches us on a daily basis.  Someday, there may be a husband in my life...but I have to stop waiting on the uncertain and start waiting on the Rock.  It is too tormenting to wait for something that may never come. 

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me along the path of everlasting life!"   ~Psalm 139:23-24~

 If there was a door that you didn't know could open for you, would you wait to find out?

Keep fighting friends....I truly love you all. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

It's Not About Me

What if you were called to face your biggest fear?  What if you had been hiding from it all this time?  Afraid to expose yourself?  Afraid to fail people?  Afraid of others seeing your current weakness?  What if you couldn't run anymore?  What if you couldn't hide anymore?  What if God exposed everything to those you dearly loved?  What if the wounds you brushed off weren't being brushed off anymore?  What if you actually realize that you were relying on yourself...entertaining the world...trying to be what other people made you to be?  

What if you felt God taking you down a road that you were afraid to go, unaware of what you would face...but trusting He has your hand the whole way? 

This blog post is different from my other posts...those posts talked about my past struggles...they were written after the show I am stronger now. 

Well, I am not stronger.  I am not put together.  I am weak, vulnerable, and not willing to show the world my weakness.  I am talking it out here, to do myself a do you all a favor.  I am going to try to let go...not just say it...but really let go. 

Let go of the fear of failure.  Let go of the fear of loss of control.  Let go of the fear of not being good enough.  Let go of the idea that I have to be everything that I am not.  It will always be a struggle...but I realize that I have run and hidden when adversity comes. 

I didn't want people to see my weakest moments.  I didn't allow the Church to really help me.  My prayer group was there, and I would verbalize a few things...but I didn't want people to see my ugliest moments...and I hated the ugliest moments. 

But truly I see now...that God has something bigger in mind for me in this...I can't figure it out fully now...but it's not my call to know that. 

God pointed me toward Duos, and I prayed that God would abolish any method of me getting this job...if I wasn't supposed to be here.  He kept all the doors open...and here I am. 

But also, here my weaknesses are exposed, and an attitude that I have hidden for so long has finally been exposed to people that I truly love.  I have lost joy in the Word.    I have lost joy in Duos,  I lost joy in myself....I have lost joy in God. 

I expect so much from myself....but what does God expect from me? 

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths" (Prov. 3:5-6) 

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)

"And He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." (2 Corinthians 12:9)

God never left me.  When I've wanted to give up and hate myself in the privacy of my apartment, God was always there keeping me safe.  When I'm exposed to my closest friends to share in my struggle and do what the Church does and encourage me used in a mighty way for God to do a MIRACULOUS change in my heart...God is there...holding me close to Him in a warm embrace, wiping my tears...hearing my cries...and He tells me "I have overcome."

He reminds me that HE will crush Satan under my feet, and HE has crushed the bondage of Sin...HE has created me in HIS image...HE has saved me.  HE has established my paths.  HE has control.  HE uses everything for HIS good.'s not about you,'s about Me.   (Jesus)

"And He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NKJV)

I don't boast in my infirmities.  I don't speak of my weakness...I don't truly speak of my weakness the way I should.  I speak of my weakness to appear stronger, to show that I am not show what I was and what I'm not anymore. 

But if I do speak of my weakness, it's not the best way to do it.  I don't do it to show how God has used me beyond myself...I do it to put myself down.  I believe speaking of my weakness and putting myself down are two separate things.  Putting myself down is bashing God's perfect design.  Boasting in my weakness is acknowledging the beauty of who God made me or didn't make me, and giving Him the glory beyond anything I could ever do. 

"God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God." (Ephesians 2:8)

I believe when God needs to really change me, He hits me hard.  God is taking the control from me, but also exposing my weakness when I want to stay strong.  He is showing me that it is not by my power, nor my glory.  Right now I am in the process of a pruning that I wish no one would see...but that is why I am going through it...because people need to see it and help me...I have to let people help me, and press on.  I need to remember who is on my side, and that He has already won.  I have to give myself grace...I see God's grace, and I see everyone else's grace...but I don't give myself grace because I have to meet my expectations of who I want me to be. 

....see the problem here?  I do now...

The following song is my current prayer...the power of this song has been amplified because of what God is bringing me through right now.  Right now in my life, this song holds a powerful prayer...So glad to hear that God gives me life!  It comes back to the Gospel...and power of the Gospel keeps us going...and this is motivation enough for me.

Psalm 139 says I am "fearfully and wonderfully made."  Who am I to challenge the Creator?

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?" Ecclesiastes 4:9-11

Thank God for showing me I am not alone, and I don't have to be alone.  I see I have friends all around me to be used...

The struggle continues, and the fight presses on, but the battle has been won...and the Victor is on my side!!

Praise God for His working hand in all things...including my imperfection and Sin.   The prince of darkness has no chance in foiling God's fact....what he does is in turn used to glorify God.  There is no war that hasn't been won by God.  The battle belongs to the Lord.  I get the opportunity to be part of it...but it's not about me, and I can't do everything I want to do.

So now, my question God...what do you want me to do?  Instead of me trying to be everything...what do you want me to be?  Who is Kat...and what is Kat supposed to do? 


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Christ has Overcome!!

"I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world."   John 16:33

Jesus did not just overcome death on the cross, but we follow a king who was tempted in everyway and did not fall once.  He overcame sin so he could become sin for us.  He took our sins, killed them on the cross and left them in the tomb!  

Praise the Lord!!  Christ has overcome!!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday-Where's the Proof?

On the Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, I have pondered what this period of time was like for Jesus' followers.  They had just seen their King do wonderous miracles, preach outstanding and bold messages, and claim to be the Son of God through it all.  Then, they saw the world come in, they saw the wickedness of men appear to have the best of our precious Savior. 

What did the disciples see on this Good Friday?  The defeat of their Savior.  He claimed to be all these amazing things for where's the proof?  He claimed to be the Great Shepherd, the Bread of Life, even the Resurrection and the Life.  Yet, on this day we remember him laying in the tomb.  What went through their minds? 

A good friend of mine made this statement last year, and I'm going to borrow it...we live in this same Saturday.  We wait for Sunday to happen.  Now we see that many times in the Old Testament and even in Jesus life the prophesy of Jesus death had to be fulfilled, and we even know that he said he will rise again. 

But right now, on this Saturday while it's happening...where is the proof?  Yes, he got crushed for our sins and bruised for our iniquities...if you remember he even raised Lazarus from the dead.

The disciples followed him throughout the ministry despite the parables they didn't understand, the messages they didn't reflect on, the miracles they saw but didn't comprehend the meaning...they still knew and believed that Jesus was Lord.  However, when the hardest of hardship came, even when prepared by Jesus, the disciples fled...kept a distance...and mourned the loss of their Savior as if it was for good. 

How depressing this day must have been...

We don't have to live like this.  We don't have to mourn over the death of our Savior, because we know what we celebrate tomorrow.  We don't have to worry about a narrow path that leads unknown, because we know Jesus walked it before us.  We don't have to cry over a hopeless situation, because the Words of Jesus lead us to believe otherwise if we just believe. 

So, when we are stuck in a Saturday, where is the proof?  It is found from the Words of Christ, credible through the miracles, finalized through the cross, and hopeful through the resurrection. 

Remember the promises not yet seen but soon to be fulfilled.

I love you all. 

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday-Saving Faith

I truly miss blogging on a regular stinks not having internet in my apartment and not having the chance to sit down and reflect on scripture and God's path for my life like this.  I have learned to really enjoy the challenge of blogging for the purpose of sharing my faith and strengthening others.

I wanted to blog today on my day off and on account of it being Good Friday...but a lot has happened in the last month that I am having a hard time picking what to write on...but my heart has really be pierced with this topic, and I believe that it will rub off into all areas of our lives (including the recent debates that are being publicized EVERYWHERE!!)  If you don't see how, ask God to reveal it to you, because I do believe that this applies to all our future endeavors and it will guide us in all our choices in life, including these fine areas where we don't know how to respond. 

Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me."

Matthew 16:24 NLT
Faith versus Saving Faith 

Fan verses Follower

Orpah versus Ruth  (yes, it's another Ruth reference)

Read the first chapter of Ruth, and look at Orpah.  In summary, this girl is very sincere and compassionate toward the widowed Naomi.  It says in this chapter that both Ruth AND Orpah clung to Naomi and wanted to join her back to the Promised land.  Now, after Naomi's pessimistic approach to the idea, Orpah departed and Ruth stuck on.  I never looked at this comparison in this manner, and I want to bring this to your attention through Ruth and Orpah. 

Orpah had faith, Ruth had saving faith.  Why? Orpah was a good person....she loved Naomi.  She did the right things, had the best intentions, truly cared for Naomi.  But she didn't have the saving faith in God to make the sacrifice to really follow where her heart was going like Ruth did.  To give you a brief context, what Ruth did was not only loving, but dangerous for herself.  She was an outcast.  She was a single woman with no secure male in her life to protect her in a foreign land.  She was giving up her comfort land to not only follow Naomi and care for her, but she put away her old ways and struggles to go into an unknown territory to pursue a God that would later give her blessing beyond her wildest dreams (at the time, she had no idea what God was going to do for her).  

Orpah did not have this faith.  She did not give up her life.  She did not like the idea of not knowing what would happen to her.  It wasn't because she didn't love Naomi that much, I bet she loved Naomi just as much as Ruth did.  The difference was in the faith in God.  It's scary, but I want you all to hear this...just because you are a good person does not mean you are going to be with Jesus.

My verse above speaks just that to us today.  It is the difference between Faith and Saving Faith.  My friends, some of you love Jesus....but do you really LOVE Jesus?  Are you like Orpah, who cared enough to latch on, but when it gets hard you run back to comfort?  Now I am not perfect, and I have my doubts as well...and thank God that He is gracious to forgive me and give me second and third chances....I don't know your heart and I am not writing this to accuse anyone.  You can point fingers right back at me, in fact I encourage you to so I may grow more. 

But here is how I know I have saving faith...when I look at the Cross today, I don't just see an obligation that I meet once a year.  I am reminded how Jesus gave up the perfect to live with the imperfect.  I see how Jesus endured 33 years, being tempted in every way, and not falling once into sin.  I see how Jesus submitted to the Father's will and provided the narrow way for me.  I see how ultimate sorrow and ultimate joy come together.  I see power and glory of God.  I see the sign of victory.  And seeing these things change how I live. 

"This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!"
2 Corinthians 5:17

Jesus did not die to save us from Hell.  He died to save us from Sin.  He died to save us from and now.  It begins here.  It begins now.  Not later after we die.  When you look at the Cross, is it your ticket to Heaven, or your Saving Grace?  Let the Cross save you and change you today.  Because if you don't, you will be dissappointed.   

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."  
Matthew 7:21

This Easter, I pray that you just don't see a routine and obligation.  I pray you don't just hear the story again.  I pray that you don't settle with where you are in life.  I truly pray that you will put away all selfish desires and run toward the Cross, broken and aware of your neediness for a Savior now and every day.  

I love you all. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What is Your Moab?

For those of you that know me, I really enjoy looking through the book of Ruth.  It is short, but in those 4 chapters I feel that I hear something new and fresh every time I dig into it.

A good friend sent me a link to a sermon series by a man named Ed Moore, so I will not take credit for most of this wisdom...however there is something that he didn't touch on that spoke to me while I listened to him speak.

First though, I want to ask you all a question:  What is your Moab?

If you don't know the story behind Ruth, don't only read through it, but also read through Judges.  The context of Ruth is better explained through the continuous roller coaster that the Israelites go through.

To give you a brief summary of where I am coming from with this, the book of Ruth starts off with a man named Elimelech.  (meaning "God is my King"...I will see why).  Elimelech disobeys God by leaving the Promised Land for "greener pastures".  Verses 1-4 explains the progression of him and his families intentions:

In the days when the judges ruled there was a famine in the land, and a man of Bethlehem in Judah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he and his wife and his two sons. The name of the man was Elimelech and the name of his wife Naomi, and the names of his two sons were Mahlon and Chilion. They were Ephrathites from Bethlehem in Judah. They went into the country of Moab and remained there. But Elimelech, the husband of Naomi, died, and she was left with her two sons. These took Moabite wives; the name of the one was Orpah and the name of the other Ruth. They lived there about ten years,

At first, they sojourned...meaning it was a little jaunt, intending to come back.  They were dipping their feet into Moab.  Then, they remained there.  And THEN they lived there. 

If/When you search through Judges, you will see a common phrase that pops up regularly: "And the people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the Lord."  Another way to look at this is "They did what was right in their own eyes."  Elimelech led his family into Moab, because in his own eyes he thought it was right.  He intended to travel there briefly because the grass was greener.  However, we see he not only stayed in Moab, but his family decided to live there and establish connections with Moab.  

I will give you a representation here....The promised land (which Elimelech left) represents God.  Elimelech and Naomi represent us, in my opinion.  We tend to find greener pastures away from God, and what goes from an innocent testing of the waters may turn into a full commitment to something pulling us from God.  I am reminded of the phrase "Sin will take you farther than you want to go."   

So, I will challenge you all to think of what your Moab is.  Pray about it.  When God reveals it to you, escape from it.  Flee to the Promised Land.  Elimelech may have been looking out for his family and wanting the best for them, but he failed to understand that the best thing for them was God and to stay in the Promised Land, no matter the circumstance.  

Times get tough, but don't stray from God friends.  Stay in Him.  It truly is the best place to be, no matter what it looks like in our eyes.  Remember, we are still clouded and can't see as God sees.  That's why we need to trust.  

I love you all. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Ash Wednesday was yesterday, which means the 40 days of Lent begins until Easter.  As many of you know, this is a time where some Christians give up something for these 40 days.  Many times it is some sort of food, like pop or candy…maybe running through the fast food line between shifts.  

For me last year, I took away something and then I added something else to my routine for these 40 days.  This year, I want to post this to be held accountable.  As hard as it is, I see that my biggest struggle where I am is making unnecessary purchases on impulse.  So, my thing I am going to give up, is spending money that I didn’t plan to spend (if I can help it).  This does not include necessities like gas, rent, etc.  Instead, these are those times where I have the impulse to drive through McDonalds cause I don’t want to cook, or shop for clothes that I don’t need.  This also means I only get what I planned to go out and get and keep myself from adding anything else to my cart.  By doing this, I hope to give more to my church and live more on necessity rather than want.

In turn, I am going to use my SendOutCards subscription and challenge myself to send out one card of encouragement every day.  Here is why my heart set on this: 

It is crucial that we don’t live in a vacuum.  

John 17 hints at how Jesus desires us to be one in spirit

The writer of Hebrews exhorts his readers in Hebrews 3 to live in community

I know that I get prideful, thinking I can live this life alone without anyone helping me.  But the reality is, I need you guys.  I REALLY need you guys.  I need you to tell me how I am doing.  I need you to be honest and real with me.  I NEED you to encourage me, and tell me I am doing all right.  I need your love.  I don’t always admit it, but I know I need you.  And you need me.  I want to know how I can help you. 
Jesus wants this of us.  He desires it because in our unity in spirit, he is shown to be the authoritative and beloved Son of God.  Our changed and joined lives is a witness of who Jesus is and his purpose for living among us.  

Satan doesn’t want it…in fact it is very easy for Satan to creep in discouragement and bitterness among communities…and we don’t even realize it.  How many times have you heard someone around you say something that offended you…and they didn’t realize it did?  Do you just brush it off most of the time?  We wish we could, but many times those innocent offenses build up and create this hardness in our hearts toward that person.  We don’t mean to be offensive, or disrespectful…but that’s how it sounds, comes off…that’s how it is received.  The more it happens, the more people shut off to us.   And what stinks is we are either to scared or too prideful to approach it and abolish it at the core.  

So when we approach each other in love and encouragement, approach each other in honesty.  And friends, your hearts may be innocent, but please watch how you say the things you say.  I know I speak with a tone that can pierce someone’s heart and completely offend them without meaning to.  I see and overhear people talk about offenses behind backs, but never approach the person themselves.  We all do it.  I am guilty of it too.  Satan smirks as he slowly watches the close, loving community drift apart, and when we aren’t in community, we are more vulnerable to attacks from the evil one.  

Hold fast.  Take heart.  It’s hard, but I pray that God can continually show me what my roles in my communities are.  I am not perfect, and often find myself hiding alone and refusing to show anyone my deepest vulnerable states.  

Let us pray like Jesus did, and seek that community so that the Son may be glorified and the evil one unable to penetrate.  

I love you all, and Happy Valentine’s Day. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Mime Prayer

I've gone through more of John 17, and the last few nights I have come across a few verses that I want to share.  It has given me not only a way to pray, but it is perfect timing for how I can pray for my friends who are giving their time and energy for a production that my church is putting on for Easter.

Jesus shares an attitude in his prayer for his followers that I want to have developed more in me, and I want to focus especially on those that are sharing in the ministry of our church mime production.  I love all of you and wanted you to know I was praying for each of you individually and a whole.

14 I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. 15 I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. 16 They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. 17 Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. 18 As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. 19 And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth.

 Jesus has given us a great opportunity to present his Truth.  He has for years, and this year isn't any different.  Jesus prayed to not take us from this world, but to protect us from the evil one.  I pray that my focus isn't to be so quick to leave this sinful place, but to be protected from the evil one while I am still among temptation and trials.  We are still here, may our thoughts and prayers be more on the fight now rather than fleeing to our final destination with Jesus.  We don't fight alone, but when we are called to fight let's stand our ground knowing who is on our side.  We are still here on earth...let's give it everything while we are still called to do so.  

Jesus has won, and he is on our side.  He prayed for us to be filled with truth, and he says "your word is truth."  Be in the Bible.  Study, spend time with God.  Pray continuously.  Spend time with each other and encourage each other.  Seek the good in everything.  This is truly what Jesus wanted of our lives, because this is what he prayed for us before the cross.  Jesus has given us what we need, and we know that not everyone will accept that in us...and that's okay.  We are sent by God into the world, and Jesus is praying for us.  We should be praying for each other in this same manner.  

I wanted you to know that I am praying for you all like this.  We are not of the world, but called to spread the word in it.  We need to pray for protection from the evil one while we are still here.  Be in the word...I pray you find delight in it as you dig more into the characters you will be portraying to the community.  

You guys are all great, and I am so thankful for the encouragement you are to me.  Sorry this post is more seclusive to a group of people, but I really wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate you and want you to be encouraged through the words of Jesus.  

I love you all. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Even Though He Knows

I want to point out something in my readings that I found very won't take long, but I hope you find this encouraging.

Matthew 10:1-4
And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction. 2 The names of the twelve apostles are these: first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.

Oh boy, another list of names...let's just skip it...we get it.  Jesus calls disciples.  Sounds good!

Wait...what???  (REFER TO VERSE 4)

Judas Iscariot...who betrayed him....

Jesus calls a man, who is going to turn his back on Jesus...and Jesus knew it. 

If Jesus can call Judas as a disciple and consider him as close as a brother, and love him consistently...EVEN THOUGH he knew what Judas was going to do to much will he love us and be consistently in love with us!  How much will he use us and call us to do great things! 

Psalm 139 says over and over again how much God knows us...He knows our deepest thoughts, most inner feelings...we can't hide anything from God.  This is amazing...yet so scary because every wicked thing that dwells in our hearts, God sees.  Every shameful sin, every idol we hold higher than God, God knows.

Judas would hold money higher than Jesus, but Jesus called him anyway.  Your past is no excuse to be used by God today.  Your future is no excuse.  Jesus calls your regardless.  He already knows...and he still wants you despite it.  How awesome is that?? 

I love you all.  May this bring you encouragement today. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Laborers for the Harvest

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.  And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and ever affliction.”   
~Matt. 9:37-10:1~

Do you realize how many people around you are lost?  They may seem like they have it all together, but deep down to the core they are seeking something.  They are searching, finding answers to their existence.  Some find it, and walk the narrow path.  Others bounce around from path to path to find what truly satisfies them.  

Many keep bouncing, waiting for their answers. 

The world is full of these people, ready to hear the Gospel.  Knowing that something is out there, but they don’t know who, what, where, or how. 
That’s where you come in.

Early in Jesus ministry, he acknowledges that there aren’t enough people “working the fields.”  Now granted, he didn’t even call his disciples yet, or had just done so.  The workers were truly few….but how much more does this apply to us today! 

I am so encouraged to pray this prayer and see the workers being developed.  It is so neat to see what kind of workers there are in the world.  

Some yield the tool of mercy, showing the enormous amount of love toward those that have much less in life. 

Some yield the tool of service, giving their time and energy to be selfless and reach as many as they can through the outreach. 

Some yield the tool of teaching, spreading knowledge and insight on the Word.

Whatever your tool is, you are being used in the Lord’s harvest.  But like many tools, you don’t leave it stored in a shed during the most valuable part of the season.  You use it.  You don’t pray for workers and then wait to see what God does.  Let’s follow Jesus’ example:

He acknowledged the need for workers, and then he called his disciples and gave them authority in the ministry.  He sought out workers.  Jesus knew God would provide the workers, so he went looking for them.  He called them.  We are called to pray for workers, but then to seek them out and work in the harvest. 

Don’t sit idle.  Trust God by doing something about it today.