Sunday, February 12, 2012

Here I Wait

Warning: Sap love post (I guess it fits Valentine's Day coming't plan that out) 

In a video game called Final Fantasy 8, there are two characters that are in love.  Rinoa, the main female character, tells Squall, her lover "I will be here, I will be waiting here.  I will be waiting for you, so...if you come here, you will find me...I promise" 

At first, I thought this quote was just really cute...I plastered this up because I loved these two characters...Squall is your typical stubborn boy and gradually softens to the angel that Rinoa is in his life. 

However, I read this quote now with another Jesus loves me.  He has me safe in his arms.  He is my first and primary lover.  He holds my heart dear to himself.  I am resting in his arms, and want to stay there.  If a man is to come find me, he has to find me through Jesus.  Tonight, I sat at the piano and sang my heart out.  This song came out of my mouth.  It's short, but I sang this over and over and over again.  I had more lines added to it, but it was very improv and I can't remember word for word what it was...

My single friends, let your hearts sing the joy of being safe with Jesus today...
Girls, you are protected and safe in His arms.  If he comes to Jesus, he will find you...I promise.  

Guys, pursue Jesus above all things.  Look to him.  Don't look at the women in your life and pick and choose...look to Jesus.  Let him show you the girl.  Don't let your eyes be led astray...let Jesus guide your paths and eventually show you a woman that he's kept safe for you.  If you come to Jesus, you will find her...I promise. 
So my lover, if you are reading this or not...the point is, Jesus holds me.  I sing this song in my heart with full contentment that I am safe with Jesus, and with a full hope that you are still out there.  I love my Savior, and he protects me and keeps me from trouble.  He will lead you to me by leading you to him first.  That's the only way you will find, if you come to Jesus, you will find me.  I promise....

Here I Wait

I will wait upon the Lord Jesus
I will wait upon the Lord Jesus
I will wait upon the Lord Jesus
I will wait upon the Lord Jesus

Here I wait
Here I wait
Here I wait...for you. 

If you come here, you will find me. 
If you come here, you will find me. 
Darling, if you come here, you will find me. 
In the arms of Jesus, you will find me.  

If you come to Jesus, you will find me.
I promise....

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