Saturday, June 9, 2012

Just Do It

I have finished my book, and soon to start another one I got from a friend.  In as few words as possible, I want to sum up my lesson through this book, life, and God's Word.

Don't wait, just do it.  God isn't going to give me a sign and a wonder...for a while I would read scriptures and say to myself "Wow, God did this, and I know He still can!"  So I wait for it to happen.  Yes, God can.  He does...but why don't I see it now?

Romans  15:4 "For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope."

We have the written Word of God before us to show us His power and majesty.  Do we need signs and wonders?  I believe that God, in His sovereignty, will use something amazing to shake us and make us move.  God can do whatever God pleases to do.  Who am I to command Him what to do with His power? We need to be careful to not put the Lord God to the test. 

This next verse popped up for me within the last few days: 

Micah 6:8 "He has showed you, O man, what is good.  And what does the LORD require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

God has shown me already what to why should I sit and wait for God to verify something that He has already commanded of me through Scriptures?   In your choices, no matter what they are, are you fulfilling what God actually wants of you? 

So, back to my lesson...Don't wait, just do it.  Every choice you come with, every "huge" decision in your life, evaluate it according to God's actual will for you.  Will it mean loving your neighbor?  Just do it.  Will it bless others?  Just do it.  Will God's love shine through you?  Man, just do it!  Can you see yourself acting like Christ in this?  Do it!  Encourage others to do it if you can't.  The apostles in Acts 6 were faced with a problem, but they didn't ignore it.  Without giving up their calling, they appointed and called someone else to aid in the problem.  If you are already consumed with a calling, seek others who can help.  Encourage others to help meet the need.  You don't have to do everything, and you aren't expected to.  We are a Body of course (Ephesians 1:23 and Romans 12:5)

Don't expect Him to speak to you in a dream to do something.  Don't expect Him to give you warm fuzzies, don't expect Him to move the mountains at your command.   He can...don't limit God's abilities to speak to us.  I'm just saying that I have shifted from expecting signs from God to admiring His promises already spoken to me in His Word.  He has so much He wants you to know...and so much I've missed because of my warped mind-set. 

Don't make the same mistake I did.  Don't miss out on the beauty and value of the Scriptures as God's true Word to us.  That's all we really need. 

1 comment:

  1. Great post. It is true that God can still use supernatural signs to speak to us. But you're right. Why do we need that? We have supernatural scripture at our fingertips. Why wait for to hear God when His scriptures are shouting truth on your bookshelf.

    I'm glad to see you growing this way, but don't complete forsake your passion. Add to your passion knowledge like this. Don't forsake your high expectations of God. Add to that a holy reverence for the Truth He has for you daily in His Word.
