Friday, October 19, 2012

Comparing and Purging

I thrive on comparisons.  In fact, I compare way too much.  I compare myself to others very easily…I “enjoy” comparing myself to those that aren’t as skilled as me, but I hate it when I feel inadequate to others.  It hurts my self-esteem, and often times keeps me from doing things that God would find honoring.   But also, many times I try harder because I can show them!   

I found in Ecclesiastes 4:4 how wrong this thinking truly is for me: 

“And I saw that all labor and all achievement spring from man’s envy of his neighbor.  This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”  

One of my books now that I’m reading through is called When People are Big and God is Small.  Too many times I’m so worried about what man thinks of me instead of what God thinks of me.  Too many times, we as a whole, find ourselves absorbed in the opinions of this world and trying to impress our neighbors, or trying to out-do them.  Our focus is on man, fearing their opinion more than God’s. 
It is comforting to me to know that this isn’t something that’s new to God.  In fact, He was totally used to this with the Israelites.  As I read through Deuteronomy, I am so encouraged through the Israelites’ lack of obedience and faith…not necessarily because I can compare to that (I will admit…I do feel better sometimes…) but rather because I see that God is still patient and compassionate.   

The Israelites refused to go into the land of Canaan because they feared the people  more than God’s comforting words of victory and blessing.  So, as a punishment, God kept them wandering in the wilderness for 40 years until a whole new generation of people (aside from a couple originals) were left. 
This brings another twist to my post…one that I ponder more and more.  I understand that God hates sin, and I understand that God wants to really eliminate the sin that separates Heaven and Earth…but many times I don’t always understand how God works with sin.  My eyes are opened more and more to this concept…and I hope that what I say next not only makes sense, but is accurate and doctrinally correct. 
The idea of God as a purifier brings great comfort to me, knowing He holds me in a fire to purge the evil from my life.  However, what does this always look like in life?  Could it simply be a trial that we go through individually?  How does God really purge the evil from our lives?  I was thinking of this too micro…too personally.  True, I am going through individual growth and refining, but what about us as a whole?  In Deuteronomy 13, and 17:7-13, we see God commanding the nation of Israel to destroy towns and stone people that have strayed from the Law.  He commanded the people to intervene on His behalf.  Now I know God is fully capable of blotting out corrupt people on His own (Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Flood), so why would He command Israel to intervene?  

Would God call us today to intervene in the purifying of our nation?  

Now mind you, this is all pre-Christ…but I do believe God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  Just because the Law is different, doesn’t mean God is.  Doesn’t mean God’s meaning behind His calling is different.  What was the purpose of the Law?  For Israel, it was to remind them of their salvation from captivity in Egypt.  What is the purpose of the Law post-cross?  To remind us of the salvation we have in Jesus.  That purpose still stands for us today…just in a different way.   

So, what was the purpose of God purging the nation through stoning and destruction?  To keep His people pure and blameless, seeking Him above all things (to us, this seems drastic, but in God’s eyes, this was the way to eliminate sin).  There must be a deeper meaning in God commanding the Israelites to do it…it appears to be an accountability, but also they witness and experience the punishment in a way to keep them from falling into it as well…I’ll keep pondering.  

But without getting into politics and our nation in too depth…how would purging the sin in our world today happen?  How would God use us and command us to purge evil?  This actually is my prayer, because I don’t have the answer.  I will say right now, that I am not going to lead a group to stone sinners and destroy towns.  (I might as well start with destroying myself at that rate).   

However, I will fall on Romans 13:8 for an answer:  “Owe nothing to anyone- except for your obligation to love one another.  If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill the requirements of God’s law.”  Times today aren’t any different…we are still wicked, seeking and creating other gods instead of the One True God, and forgetting the good things God has done for us.  But because times aren’t different, we are still being called in some way to intervene…I just don’t know how.  

Thankfully, we have the hope that Jesus is coming back to make all things right.  He will purge the sin completely from this world eventually, but I do believe that we are being used to begin this.  

Philippians 1:4-6 “In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

In the mean time, seek the LORD above all things.  We may not agree in our world of how God works, but unless we set aside everything of this world and focus on things above, we won’t understand God’s way of justice, and if we don’t begin to understand it how can we delight and anticipate its coming? 
 Proverbs 28:5 “Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the LORD understand it fully.” 

Seek justice and trust God’s methods of implementing it.  I love you all. 

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