Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Impressed I Is...Much Growth There Has Been

Something brief and very random, but something that I feel I should share with the world about my personal growth. 

The last time I lost my phone, (which was at college) I remember throwing this HUGE fit.  I was crying, digging outside in the snow for hours, and getting really impatient with the fact that my lifeline was no longer attached to my hip.  I was rather pathetic. 

Today, I lost my phone again...but instead of having my blood pressure raised over it, I have been calmly retracing my steps.  I didn't break a sweat, and told myself that I could always get a new one, and that the important contacts that I needed in my phone would not be hard to get again.  Besides, I need a new phone/plan anyway, so why not now? 

My mom facebooks (I love how this is a verb now) me and tells me that a girl calls her saying that she has my phone, so now I am just waiting to be united with it once again. 

The moral of the story...in my journey, I have really learned to just let things happen and if things go wrong in my eyes, I know God's always got my back.  Even if it is just losing a cell phone.  It's material.  I can get a new one.  It's not my lifeline.  It's not as important anymore.  

God really worked on my heart in so many ways, and tonight was just Him showing me how I have changed.  Nice assurance. 

As I wrote this, the girl came into Duos and gave me my phone back.  She said "If I ever lost my phone, I would hope that someone would go out of their way to return it to me."  I was touched, and she looked like she was only 16.  How wonderful of a reminder it was to live a recent version of "The Good Samaritan."  

How can you be a Good Samaritan and go out of your way for others?  Do unto others as you would want to have done unto you.  

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